Friday, November 4, 2011

Words from yours truly Ebenzer Glendon - Philosophical view

The world is cruel and so is it also receiving life, for all people will unfortunately have to experience death one day. In my perception of being an existent on earth, I suppose that having a life for me as a person may not be compulsory or am I really a necessity for coming into survival existentially. In attempts to indeed fully comprehend the complete significance or importance pertaining to the ultimate reason for me to be around, for whatever is my definite and whole purpose meant for me to be on this earth. Likely to be just another human life created and formed, adding on to the already populous planet, perhaps for a higher purpose, predestined by God. Human beings are unlike any other living creatures for some reasons. Our survival in this world where we are put onto consists of five components which could then develop accordingly into a combination perhaps.
These being primarily instinct, ability to attain a degree of knowledge then developing into intelligence, capabilities in performing certain or various activities and also talents of which some are born with as it is God-given. Other living creatures would very most probably only be created with instinct; the minimal requirement of survival in reality. We do not have the chance to choose whoever we want to be when we come into life. The decisions are all made by God when it comes to what our gender, country to be born in, race, physical appearance by natural or how much would be our level of knowledge and talents (if any at all) as well and also when would we come into life. How much or little would our wealth be at start, height, having certain birth diseases that could be incurable for some humans, the destiny of our lives or even our own originally spoken language(s) according to our nationalities and who our parents would be. There would be some people who are not so smart, some intellectually disadvantaged or even some to the extent of being mentally disabled by birth. Such things are what we cannot fully predict of God's plan for everyone in this life.
We are all living with many different types of limitations in this world. I honestly think that this life we all have, in the very end with whatever our achievements and successes may be, will be a result of nothingness. The extent of our pleasurable enjoyments could possibly be thought of it being an extremely realistic illusion with it being much temporal. The experiencing of sufferings and any discomforts that we feel is also but a reminder of our own misery, for being given a place to roam earth.
Might any of us still choose to take on the test of life if the odds are strongly against us, such as being given the inferior qualities of several aspects that are presently found on earth, to be embodied in disabilities or defects that will disallow us to live a proper or normal life? If I had the choice to plead to God, I would probably decline this offer for the breath of life in which I was to be granted with. I do not deny a positive fact that the course of being presently around enables us to experience interesting discoveries and wonderful moments that I should be glad and even to be excited about. However, these to me, as of my personal opinion are still rather unnecessary.
There is also not truly the need for me to receive all the blessings and happiness that I would receive along in this journey on the land of imperfections. To find myself in a place surrounded by a lot of awful situations of mishaps and misfortunes occurring often enough, my honest decision would be to most likely not want to even exist at first in actuality. For this world carries worries of several reasons that are of our own concerns. Does it really matter even if a person leads an extremely envious lifestyle to many others? Only to know that death is inevitable as a matter of fact. The majority of the people in this world do not exactly or even get to live a bountiful life, but only as the ordinaries.
Should we in honesty be grateful of this life which we have been given or rather to detest it instead? Are we called into life on earth to first and foremost, sin against our Creator God, endure the many versions of sufferings, eventually to physically die and those who are ultimately unfortunate, also in the form of spirituality; the greatest fear of all. So, what exactly is our purpose to even exist at first and are we only created by God for His pleasures, or is there a higher purpose with some positive reasons; that perhaps many or even none of us on earth would ever come to know about; the final realizations of enlightening truths?
I personally do not really know the purpose of living except to treat this as only to be the toughest ‘test’ given by the Almighty God. So, do we metaphorically realize that what God had given to us in life are like ‘questions’ in a ‘test’, while our free-will is our very own ‘answers’ to His questions. In which eventually after the ‘test’, God Almighty will then justify the accounts of what our ‘answers’ were to the ‘questions’ that we distinguishingly received earlier during our ‘test’ on earth.
Would we in hope to be rewarded with an eternal blessing that is humanely unimaginable for choosing to make good use of our free-will, or tremble in fear of having to suffer dire consequences if we had chosen to consistently abuse our free-will, ignoring repentance? Therefore, if anyone were to do things without the genuine concerns and considerations of others' well-being, one might just have to receive an eternal punishment instead. Thus, we must be extremely wary of what our thoughts, speech and deeds might happen to be, otherwise it will be the ultimate danger to our souls due to these negativities.
There may never be an absolute assurance in which what our results may be as it will always remain as a mystery that varies. So, we would very likely to only be able to find out what happens to our souls after our lives ends with the final verdict of judgments. To think about the various situations or moments of negativities such as accidents, sicknesses or diseases, conflicts and cruelties in which are inevitable while we are alive. Sure, there may be blessings upon us whereby all of us ought to be grateful and really appreciate for our source of provisions in which we may receive indirectly from God.
However, is it really still worth it for us to be created by God in the first place, when life can sometimes or even often be rather much miserable with full of struggles alongside? Perhaps I honestly think that it could be a good thing also if I was never given this chance by God to be around in this world as I did not make a request to God for me to be created (at the same time, knowing that I do not have the rights to make any decisions of my birth). However, He had chosen me nonetheless, in which I too have to partake the spirit and soul of a mortal being.
Since we are already here in this world, we will have to face our fate of many obstacles and challenges. We must do our best in learning the utmost important principle of life that is; to always be nice towards one another as much as we can; without any absurd discrimination or prejudices as human beings. Not just to only show our respect and concern for those who we would associate with as good friends, people who we are generally close with or whom we would only admire and those with a higher status while disregarding others without basic decency. But of course, there should be a special form of deserving privileges and priorities to those whom have put in much amounts of efforts in earning them. In return, one should wholeheartedly treasure or cherish any forms of kindness and not take the benefits for granted.
Even before our thoughts could ever enter into our brain and to be responded in reception with our minds yet, God Almighty has already set this possibility to happen and occur accordingly to what His Will is. If a person who would claim and believe in a delusional concept that there is no God, is condemned of being a liar and one who bears false testimony to others as well. For if there was really no God, how can anyone at all justify the possibility of any life and creation to have come into existence in the first place? It is impossible for that to happen because a Creator is required in-order for life to be formed and all things as well to be made as with also all that is to complement for everything else also that is created on earth.
To look at every one of the creatures around us apart from the people we come to know, there is an incredible number of species and each unique as being part of God's sovereign creations. If we were to have the knowledge of our own genealogy, to trace the roots from the moment of our very first ancestor, we would wonder to ourselves, did our very first ancestor miraculously appeared on earth out of nothing or did God Almighty actually form him and her so that there will be much procreation even until today and in the future? The answer should very much be obvious to us if we can understand that He made every one of His creations, be it humans, animals or the trees and all that is present naturally.
So that it is only through God Almighty, that the inhabitants and all that is within can be made to manifest and roam the earth of its own purpose that is God's Will for the existence of life. He holds power and majestic supremacy over all creation as we sincerely make supplications for His glory as our motives to plant the seeds of truth and that it would bring honor, blessings and love to amplify His wonderful Majesty as our Spiritual King. We look at our own flesh and those of the animals and what is within this world.
It will be clear to us that it has to be an order from a Higher Power, which is God Himself for our eyes, hands, legs and all other parts of our body that which are all so extremely detailed and meticulously and sophisticatedly formed. So that we can have the ability to be equipped with its own functional purposes required for our survival and for us to live properly and efficiently as well. Our mission is perhaps or indeed to remain of being in pursuit of righteousness in whole, as we continuously counter sins of every type. We need to make the attempt to nullify the negativity of this worldly society, in order to bring-forth the much comforting peace of great relief.
I would say that babies or infants who are born are unable to physically or have the mentality to sin at all. However, humans are still born in and to sin in which we all cannot completely evade nor prevent it from happening as we exist here on earth. Apart from that, every cause of sin that we make as the majority, we are to be accountable for our wrongdoings for they are mostly or usually all intentional. Everyone must not forsake in loving the One true Spiritual God, with great reverence for Him who is eternally Divine, Holy and Almighty as our glorious Creator.

The inheritance beyond this world in which whereby God has prepared for the virtuous; who loves Him is also beyond neither depictions nor comprehensions. I am honestly hoping that this journey of life is really worth going through but not for me to might be shattered in disappointments, and that I can finally discover the amazing revelations of everything from God...

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