Monday, May 14, 2012

Man-Made Creations

It should be obvious to us that in recent times now, we can come to understand that some or most of us are actually living in such modern society. In an environment filled with man-made materials ranging from any sort of minor to major inventions. It somehow matters alike just because it actually requires the knowledge of people in order for them to be created. Looking at the world generally, it is everywhere and inevitable. Regardless of how worthless or valuable they are, these are still the fact and evidence of how intelligent some human beings can really become. Surviving now in a world that is filled with an abundance of man-made objects. Without the contributions of the countless of people that has done their part in creating the various and diversified matter and things to provide for those who would come in later. They pose to be extremely useful as technology advances by the thoughts of an improvement to the world and even perhaps the basic kind of living would do very well enough. Without all these inventions, life will be absolutely plain, boring and most of all suffering towards the billions of other humans on earth.
Human labour is the ultimate price that one can afford to pay. Some of these inventions need to undergo constructions which requires great amount of endurance and effort to be completed, such as massive structures like many modern-day buildings. Supposedly clothing was not to be known of how it can be made for humans to be put on, we humans will all be roaming earth in our bare bodies (That includes every single human). An enormous scale of electronic gadgets, furniture, and the need of foods and beverages production which requires manufacturing and processing to be done in factories, in massive proportions to sustain and to accommodate numerous people. Our survival, usage, needs, and even comfort are greatly dependent on these commendable and incredibly innovative inventions. Such things should never be taken for granted that money settles every need that one would come to want. Imagine if there is a world that people would only know how to make money alone and nothing else, those will just be as good as worthless and valueless currency that can do nothing at all.
We actually need only the discovery of applying the natural resources to create something else that is much more meaningful and that can ease the lives of people instead. Money is only used as a form of trading to benefit oneself because of its value for its rights to be used for exchange of something like any materialistic objects and favors. The world will be in a total primal condition if nobody had ever known how to create or invent things. Without these crucial intelligences, not only will human beings be disadvantaged, we would be just as good as the animals that live throughout their entire lives without any life-enhancing creations. We should feel absolutely fortunate that we are able to make use of what others have contributed to the world in the past. In every condition such as a few examples, be it facilities such as what is inclusive in toilets or having transportation like vehicles to get to places easily. Telephones and mobile phones, mainly used as a form of communication and contact, the source of unnatural light for our vision due to the absence of sunlight during the night-time.
Televisions for passive viewing via governmental media. Cameras for filming and snapping monumental moments of videos and pictures. Computerized inventions to program the use of various visual activities such as online games, entertainments, research, social media platforms or by any other possible means made available with the help of the internet via satellite. There are a whole lot of purpose that serves by such magnificent and marvellous man-made materials.
Those people who are responsible in providing a more complete lifestyle for others shall be reign as heroes as they have managed to help and ease the worlds' population in many different ways. Thanks to all their efforts and how much they have contributed in several very meaningful ways where many people who would come to greatly depend on their clever creations. Anonymous or not, without them our lives would be in absolute misery because it is easy for us to realize how reliant we are. People are now able to use and enjoy all of their ingenious inventions that had been uniquely designed. The great variety of which are also immensely sophisticated and complexly created creations have enabled us also with some empowerment.
The list of names will go on for quite a long time if every man-made creation idea that have been discovered for its formations are to be mentioned. We must also be very grateful on behalf of what the inventors have done for the society, sharing their creations to the public for positive purposes. We are greatly indebted to what they have done for us, to enlighten the lives of countless benefiting humans. We must truly appreciate these sincere positive deeds provided to us in the past, present and may soon be in the near future as well.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sympathy Towards Animals

Every part of the world is covered by cruel deeds done by human beings especially to those of the truly innocent animals. By causing and having them to be executed. As it is definitely an unwilling death to them if they could really retaliate. Thousands, if not, millions of innocent lives are taken away every single day that passes by. They have and will still be suffering in vain by the ways of slaughtering afflicted by people. We have all along been regarding them as just common types of food supplies there to feed us.

I think that we are just being selfish about the fact that they are unlike humans, having the ability to communicate in human languages. To those who are actually vegetarians, I would say that they are in a way helping the animals by not consuming them. It is an excellent attribute to abstain from eating meat. They are our role models because they do not contribute to the killings of these innocent animals, unlike most of the world's population do as there are way more meat-eaters in the world. We are still considered to be involved in having them slaughtered indirectly. As we consistently remain on the tremendously high side of demanding to purchase animal by-products and goods, also to be exported all across the world for consumption and even usage. If only we can actually reflect on all these evil deeds and demised set upon them. Which they absolutely do not at all deserve any forms of inflicted hurt and pain towards them. Allowing them and giving them the opportunity to survive and live normally just like us over-populated categorized homo-sapiens (human beings), far from being innocent at all.

How is it truly, in anyway at all, an ethical reason for humans to continue consuming meats from the various animals that some of which variety are being constantly victimized? Several species that we are all acquainted and have been familiarized with for food in our daily dietary consumption as that of the common chickens for poultry produce or products that is the single most mentioned meat marketed supply as a staple form of food source for people all over the world. Follow by a few other animals that are farmed and harvested in massive amounts by intense farming procedures that will usually have extremely poor survival conditions in cramped cages and compartments presently in major animal factories all over the world. Inhumane methods and modes of agriculture breeding and farming are being done to these animals due to many existing major food establishments or business conglomerates. These companies are mainly responsible for the tortures and deaths of countless animals that were raised up in inhospitable places of appalling conditions and are unfortunately forced to suffer in silence of heartbreaking helplessness, being treated with absolute abhorrently atrocious ways of gruesome and sadistic slaughter sentencing.

All these sentient animals that are adversely affected with apparent and blatant cruelties are indeed still considered as living creatures that should be regarded with, at the very least, basic cares and treated with decency just like any other ordinary humans would certainly be in need of nurtures whilst receiving some forms of direct concerns from others too. Animals could surely have an inner emotional pain and pleasure reactivity receptors naturally present in them too. They are able to sense threats and feel fearful, when possibly encountering some form of situational dangers and will instinctively avoid from being physically harmed by backing off or fleeing. Millions and billions of innocent animals have already undergone constant cruelties, contributed by the exponential growths and demands to satisfy the insatiable appetites of our ever-increasing human population worldwide.

We humans should actually question our consciences and be ashamedly guilty of ourselves that we have to continually provoke and interfere with the live of countless animals, not being fully compassionate towards them but regarding these animals as sources for our own selfish palates and being unconcerned enough to truly spare a thought for them. Comparing animals to ourselves, our surroundings are filled with technological gadgets, devices and any other kinds of life-enhancing products. Will we ever realize that it is still ethically wrong even if we try to reason and justify our selfishness as we continue to be the cause of animal lives to being taken away due to our appetites? To me, it is rather an unacceptable mindset that has to be altered for the sake of the innocent living creatures. There is no way we can escape the harsh reality that those of these truly innocent lives of animals to have been and are still being taken away in an extreme rate each and every day. May we feel the sense of sorrow as long as we continue to consume any forms of meat from our neutrally harmless land-living herbivores

In illustration purposes to be mentioned and stated is that as men with human nature, were to lust over women to commit adultery or fornication. While in terms of animals wise, people commit another one of the many deadly sins which is to glutton over the meat of animals in almost all or every part of the world wherever there is human civilization governing the country. As herbivores of such creatures as animals who live with a completely pure and also absolute innocence, surviving solely on instincts.

It would be better to consume seafood of anything which is safely edible of the marine life such as fishes, crustaceans and invertebrates like mollusks because they do not share the same land as people. However, I do still think that killing and taking away the lives of any living creatures, of those who do not intentionally want to inflict any harm to us is never a good thing after all. There is also an option to consume fruits and nuts as a diet so that we can spare the lives of these sentient animals. We must realize and understand that such acts should not really and completely be taken for granted as every life that was killed in the past, present and soon to be future matters. We must stop this devastating statistic of the animals unwillingly losing their lives unknowingly. I believe that it is too late for us to undo our acts of cruelty towards them because very few people who are already so used to consuming meat will actually completely stop eating unless they really strive with goodwill and intention and resist the temptation of indulging in the meat of helpless animals. It is unfortunately impossible to eternally eliminate animal origins from the menu worldwide.

But one thing is for sure is that, as long as humans were to survive on earth; people will still inevitably reserve the mindset of inhumanely taking discriminate advantages against animals. Those people involved in these killings will undoubtedly continue committing abuses, having heartlessly self-centered will of wanting to satisfy their ways of life in terms of having an appetite for animals or coveting over monetary gains from such acts of killing those ultimately neutrally natured animals for food. True innocence which these animals (herbivores) possess, with the worst of co-existing with many unscrupulous meat-eaters. As we would either indirectly or directly take away their lives, through the forms of slaughtering. We may need to put ourselves in their position for us to really empathize what many of these pitiful animals have to go through every day, with all the pain and even cruelty. No one would ever want to be treated the way some of these animals are treated. Condolences goes out to these animals that have been killed and are still dying...