Friday, November 4, 2011

Words from me to give glory to God Almighty and praises to the perfection of Jesus Christ

~ Compilation of soulful writings by Ebenzer Glendon ~
~ Lord Jesus, I am so sorry that You had to be scourged and crucified for our sake. Lord, You went through tremendous physical pain which I can never in my life imagine how much would be the degree of hurt that I will feel if I were to be placed in Your position. I am sorrowful to know that You had to bear all these tortures and it is a really saddening thing that You had to be afflicted by those ruthless people whom had rejected to revere You and to trust in You despite Your given authority of being the one and only true Son of the Living God.
It is so very unfortunate that many people from all parts of the world have seemingly forsaken Your holy and righteous love for them. Your bride and people greatly appreciate Your sacrificial sufferings for the propitiation of our sins. We as Your followers ought to thank You greatly for everything in which You have done for us, for the sake of our salvation and being able to finally reconcile with Father God. Yours truly, from Your lowly and loved creation. Amen... ~
~ When will I ever walk the path of pureness and forsake the things that the Lord hates? Why is it so hard for me to repent in all ways possible and no longer sin again? If I continue with my ways of wickedness, I know I won't make it to a place of peace in the holiest ground beyond imagination.
Lord God, please set me free from sin even though it is human nature and provide me with the power to overcome these wrongdoings. I would really want to make use of my free-will, to avoid sinning anymore and may I praise You my Lord who reigns supremacy over all things existing for You are the Creator of this entire Universe.
Lead me to the road of righteousness and guide me spiritually wherever I go. Keep me in a constant reminder that I must only do what is correct according to all Your holy commandments. Lord, I confess of all my sins that I have ever committed in the past, doing in the present and will soon to happen again. I plead for Your mercy and forgiveness O God of Love, that no matter how unrighteous a person I am for I am only another sinner in this wicked world.
As hard as it is for me to truly and wholeheartedly want to repent, please I beg You O Lord my God to strengthen my will and that I may persevere until the end, to no longer live a life of my own desires but of Yours. Allow me to defeat whatever temptations that relates to sin and let me give thanks to You for this gift of life no matter what happens in the future. Amen... ~
~ Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, eternal Light and Truth and the sole source of sanctification into everlasting life. He is ready to return in only a matter of time. Be prepared and get ready to receive Him with a delightful heart in His heavenly brilliance. Our God will gather His people from the four corners of the earth and bring them up into the clouds to meet with Him.
The eternal figure of the Holy Bible and our Righteous Creator, shall call upon His people whose names are written in the Book of Life and enter into His kingdom in heaven, and eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and drink of the water of the River of Life.
All praise and worship be unto our heavenly King, Jesus Christ our God and our only way to be redeemed with great reverence for His innocent blood that was shed for us 2 thousand years ago. Believe in Christ our Lord and our God and receive the gift of salvation from Him. Peace be upon all of you whom are called faithful and true in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Amen! ~
~ As we are here in this world, we have done so many sinful deeds and some, even to the extent of having an act of hypocrisy. We are borne as wicked and wretched mortals who deserve condemnation of all these wrongful ways of life. The goodness in life is so much so being manipulated by these ruthless spirits, having persistently and pervasively perhaps twisted our thoughts and motives. The constant warfare against these disturbances is a prolonged battle between those who strives their best to be righteous. Such as those evildoers who refuse to repent of their unlawful deeds in this world.
It is understandably hard for us to always have our hearts to be set upon the ways of holiness and to witness even a glimpse of what the Kingdom of God is like, would be absolutely heavenly indeed. We must heed these warnings and believe the Word of Truth, which is in Christ for us to realize that there is actually a way for people to be on the path towards receiving salvation from God.
We must really do our utmost to overcome these temptations within ourselves and also to stop wilfully sinning. Even as we must always make the effort and truly repent for the love of God, and for His glory, we worship Him as our Creator. It will not be an easy task for us to repent but we can only hope for the help of the Holy Spirit to support us in doing so.
I am honestly rather tired of living a life of wickedness, but shall I not give up fighting these animosities as long as my soul is still on earth. These obstacles in life are exhaustively hard for me to triumph over but I must refuse to be in a state of complete defeat by all of these struggles faced. I need to constantly do my best for the Lord my God and as I plead in remorse, that He would forgive and understand what some of these nasty things were that I have regrettably done at times.
My prayer to God is for me to step onto the road of repentance and righteousness and forsake whatever that is in this world, which does not have any concerns with the Lord my God of the heavens and the earth. I am really apologetic for the many hurts that I have caused to others and even mostly to the Lord. I pray that all these problematic situations and issues that the godly people of God which they have to encounter in life, would be shortened by the power of the Almighty Lord God. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most-High God, thank You Lord and Amen... ~
~ I give thanks to Jesus the Messiah for we have been chosen to come and worship Him with our hearts and minds. As tribulation saints, we are battling against the sinful nature of mankind and is in need of Christ Jesus our Lord to strengthen us in this spiritual warfare.
We must not let an inch bit of sin into our life but remain spotless and righteous before God to be deemed worthy and to be a faithful servant. Not allowing any sin at all in our lives and to be spirit-filled led by the holiness of Jesus is what we really should strive after.
He (God) searches and knows the heart of every man therefore we must be holy just as Jesus was and is Holy as our Father in heaven is Holy too. Put on the full armour of God and fight off the iniquities in our lives and uphold with steadfast obedience to His command and remain in righteousness always. Prevail over the sinfulness of our flesh and set our minds on the things above in His kingdom. God be praised and glorified by His creations always! Amen! ~
~ As we continue to stay here on earth as each day that passes by, our life on earth is slowly coming to an end inadvertently, as Christ the Lord our Messiah returns to rapture His followers away miraculously. The peoples of this world in majority have chosen to forsake and even be completely oblivious towards the Truth, the Way and Life-everlasting which is in Jesus Christ the Son of the Almighty Lord alone.
Our sins and abominations and especially to those that have deliberately pursued in his or her own sins of pleasures, shall be dealt severely and judged by the Great White Throne of God Almighty in the Day of Judgment. As we are still not glorified and just mere mortals who apparently seems to want to show a willingness at heart and hope for God in all of His mercies for His Righteous Justification of every person on earth, as we must continue to keep His Holy Commandments and to strive each day in obedience to Him.
We live in a world that is fallen and filled with awful abominations abounded by several sins of all forms; we must not be deterred by it, for we truly need this salvation from the blood of Jesus Christ in order for us to be given a glorified body by our Holy Savior, Jesus. To those that are still asleep in spirit, may they witness the shining bright light that will lead them into eternal life, able to inspire their souls to repent for the sake of righteousness which glorifies our Saviour-God and magnifies His Sovereign grace for us.
For neither do I as a mere mortal, who admittedly still live by the sinful nature of my flesh, would want anyone to perish in perpetual torment. We need to get straight right by practicing righteousness with perseverance, for the Living and Holy God if we really desire and hope to be called worthy as His spiritual creations.
From the bottom of my heart, I humbly request of mercy for all of our human souls and may He not pour out His wrath on those even whom have shown Him negligence all this while. But may the Holy Spirit be the guidance of all these people and that may they and even we, ourselves be truly awakened and shall also fully come to worship Him with all of our hearts and souls in due time.
Praises of love and worship be unto God the Lord Almighty and that may He protect us with His divine Shield of Protection from our adversaries; our stumbling blocks. As we wait for the Son of Man, Jesus Christ to return and bring His bride to be fully reunified with Him in complete perfection and forever in Love always!  Amen to the Almighty One of God and Hallelujah O Hosanna! ~
~ One of the most important intelligences filled with prophecy that forewarns people of what could be imminently occurring and several events that would eventually take place in these last days on earth. Our days are short as we are encountering and even experiencing some prophetic biblical tribulations that are ongoing. The signs of prophecy may become even more prevalent and clearer as what were predicted and foretold by the prophets; the servants of God through the Holy Scriptures; the Holy Bible.
With certain situations that may potentially create an incredibly immense impact of events that might happen to seemingly converge and unfold before us, like that of actually witnessing the sacred scroll seals to be orderly opened perhaps. Jesus Christ our Bridegrooms' return is soon at hand and that we must all turn to Him before His merciful grace for all mankind runs out. Eliminate every or try at best to minimize whatever distractions that does not concern and matter that to God Almighty. Souls are truly at stake as there can only be 2 paths in which one may enter into, either heaven or hell.
I personally hope that nobody would have to perish eventually for eternity as they had unfortunately, not been given the opportunity to realize their urgent need for knowing the true way of life found only in Jesus Christ. Having to place their utmost faith and submitting in obedience, which only are they then, actually able to attain true salvation from. With hope that they may be allowed into heaven of having an inheritance of everlasting glory to be in the presence of our Holy and Righteous Saviour Jesus Christ our God.
To be deemed worthy of being given the eternal blessings in heaven so magnificent by our Creator for we have chosen to listen and follow Jesus Christ with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength when we were on earth as His servants who were willing to serve Him as our Lord. For Jesus made lowly of Himself to be the ultimate sacrificial Lamb whose Blood was absolutely pure and guiltless that because He chose to shed His Blood for us so that we may be considered worthy to face our holy God again and have a chance of acknowledging His Sovereignty and to humbly worship Him with our hearts and may He grant us with eternal life upon our earthly departure.
With a heart of hope that the Holy Spirit touches the souls of the multitude of people and would inspire them to come before God bowing down on their knees for mercy and forgiveness wholeheartedly. To really repent and turn a new leaf to live for Jesus Christ our Lord and God again with the help of the Holy Spirit to guide them to get on right with God Almighty for as long as they live. Glory be to God Most High and Praises be unto Him our Saviour-God! Amen! ~
~ Hold onto the Lord Jesus Christ dearly in our hearts and be steadfast to Him always no matter what the situation may be. Be equipped with the Spirit of holiness of God that dwells within us. Let us receive Jesus into our hearts and minds and warmly welcome Him who is our Saviour for Him to lead and guide us according to wherever His Righteous Will would take us to in our lives.
Repent genuinely and stay wholeheartedly devoted unto God our heavenly and majestic Father, the Host of angels. To be focus on eternal matters that concern if we may forever be with Him on an immeasurable and timeless scale. Judgment will be upon all people of every nation in all continents and to the ends of the earth. Pray sincerely and worship with our hearts, minds and soul and give glory greater than anything to our Lord of our life whose power is unfathomable with astounding dominion above all things even unto predestination.
Keep the holy and righteous Commandments of God always and abide by His decree unconditionally and may we be found worthy when Jesus Christ our Messiah returns to the world and may we earnestly hope that we are deemed worthy to have our names written in the Book of everlasting Life with God who is our Sovereign King forever. Amen! ~
~ Keep always in practice of a holy life to glorify and uphold our Savior Jesus the Son of Man that became flesh who dwelt with the inhabitants of the world at one point in time. So that as He became the sacrificial Saviour as was God's Will that our sins would be forgiven and that we may inherit His eternal blessings in the heavenly realm of timeless life.
To even be granted worthy to share in the same presence as Jesus our Saviour God is the highest honour and grace that He so truly loves us dearly as His spirit children. Pray with humbleness with a pure heart of sincerity that we may overcome the world as so did Jesus the Holy One of God was able to when He descended from heaven to this earth for our sins’ sake.
As we testify our faith to those who have not yet believed in Him, may the Lord lead us with His Holy Spirit and be our everyday guidance and we strive in obedience of exemplifying ourselves in righteousness that would be reflected of Him. For our Lord Jesus Christ-Saviour God is merciful to those that long for Him and seek Him with their heart. The measure of His Love for us is deeper than any form of love that can ever be produced and manifested in this world.
Our God is holy and divine and holds the ultimate keys to each and every judgment with justice as those of our lives have been cut-short and have been taken away. Our souls are in the Hands of God Almighty-Jesus as may we be forever grateful that we may and hopefully will partake on eternal life with Him.
As we continue each day of our lives even as for our long-suffering and love in worship for Him alone, our God (Jesus Christ) is worthy. May He be with us always and not forsake and leave us for we dread that we might (God forbid) turn our cheeks away from Him and to be lukewarm in our faith we fear.
Lord Jesus Christ of our soul, let us receive You in all ways and that may You O Lord take control of our lives that You will be willing to take lead of our every step in this world and that Your will be done through us as we may be able to magnify and imitate Your Love as well. In Jesus Christ we offer our soul seal to. Amen! Hallelujah Hosanna! ~
~ May the Spirit of Almighty God guide and inspire all of us for as long as we live here on earth. I pray and hope that I will be able to stop failing Him, but always praise and give the full measure of glory as an offering of what little I have. Just as the biblical figure of a poor woman that offered much with what little she had with a sincere heart to God than of those who gave little of how much they have been blessed with.
I am willing to give my best of efforts to being devoted towards serving God my Lord Jesus Christ with all that I have and avoid whatever distractions that does not have any means to give glory and praise to our Loving Creator God. To even be able to inherit the least of His magnificent Kingdom in heaven will I be truly contented and to be grateful with a heart of thankfulness and appreciation.
I ask of no rewards for I deserve nothing for my sinful iniquities that I have repeatedly committed that have opposed the Holiness of Jesus our Saviour-God time and again. His mercy and grace nullified our sins and debts for Christ Jesus had willingly shed His blood drenched with amazing love as the ultimate sacrificial work, for our sake that we may obtain the opportunity in being called worthy and to be able to receive redemption with our faith and works as we live for Him and for Him alone, is our Saviour of Perfect Righteousness.
Through the Lord our God Jesus Christ, who granted His servants with wisdom, discernment and all of the gifts, has thankfully brought many souls to entrust in Him. As those whom have chosen to believe, minds have truly understood and ears that have really listened, with their hearts that have willingly received His works of enlightenment with revelation. We must give credit to Him, for because God's Holy Spirit dwells within His children.
With great reverence to the sovereignty of God as we exalt Him with our earthly worship, obedience and might, may we become His faithful successor as I am hoping that we will be deemed worthy enough in Him, our God, as we meet Him with our knees bowed down and to be prostrate before His divine presence. Glory, blessings and honour be unto the Most-High, Jesus Christ our God as we continue living in uprightness and be able to uphold Him with what we have that we can offer... Amen! ~
~ As the human race and lives have fallen severely short of the glory of the living and Almighty God, only few are truly saved by the precious blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Son of Yahweh. If only people are fully aware of the extremely harsh consequences of never-ending punishments and torments that some are inevitably hell bound because of their selfish ways of life, choosing to abuse their given free-will by being disobedient towards our Holy God, our Father in heaven.
No souls should ever want to experience and get a taste of God's wrath for it is far worse than any imaginary sufferings for it is forever in a situation of being lost and doomed in absolute misery. The importance of coming to have faith in Christ the Messiah is the only thing that actually truly matters in this world for everything else is only but distractions that will lead us further and further away from our God Most High.
The truth is in the Holy Scriptures, the testimonies of the prophets and prophetess of God, our Righteous King. It is not wise for us to follow the ways of this world for it will only lead us into death and destruction, turmoil and distress. The eternal comfort, bliss and treasures that await the children and followers of God in heaven will be rewarded to them for they have chosen to submit themselves unto God and serving Him wholeheartedly.
Reconcile with the Lord Our God of Holiness and battle against this raging physical and spiritual warfare whilst we are on earth with an undying spirit, for the vengeance of our Lord is at hand. So, shall we be with the Lord our God and Saviour forevermore once we depart from this realm of corruption. Come Lord Jesus Christ and take us away with You. Amen! ~
~ Glory, honour, majesty, power and praises belongs to God the Creator of all. Holy is our King Almighty, who reigns supremacy over all things. He holds the keys to the heavenly realm, in the land of paradise and holiness. Magnificent Lord our God is He as we behold His righteousness as we are but just mere sinners in this land that is perverse and corrupted by the free-will of the ungodly people.
The Saviour Jesus, the Son of Yahweh as we know Him to be the Messiah, the Anointed one that descended from heaven for the sake of our sins. He purifies our souls from all iniquities and cleanses us with His righteous and loving deeds. Giving us the eternal life upon salvation by grace through our faith in acceptance of Him (Jesus Christ) have we found hope and meanings to live again.
Followers of God, put on the full armour of His and fight against the flesh that causes us to befall in committing wrongful deeds, acts and desires. Work, strive and pray into repentance and may we be able to overcome the world and yield with the gift of the Holy Spirit within us. Amen and Hallelujah to the Holy Lamb of God Almighty! ~
~ Love and worship be all upon the holy Saviour for He gave us the chance of obtaining eternal life as may we submit our lives in entirety unto Him and surrender our souls to Christ Jesus the Messiah and our God of Light and Righteousness in heaven. We shall be forever grateful and thankful to God our King for the saving grace that He has granted us with, through Jesus Christ's willing work of becoming a sacrifice Himself in order for us to receive redemption. May the Holy Spirit dwell with everyone and the Seven Spirits of God be with His chosen people for whom have chosen to serve Him truthfully and willingly. Amen and Amen! ~
~ We must really put in full effort into abstaining from all forms of abominable sins and stop straying away even further from God the Father, by being distracted with all the things of this world. It is almost impossible for an average person to be completely isolated from what we are being governed by on earth.
Do not walk in the path of what is filthy and evil, for the consequence will be eternal punishments which no one should want to even dare to endure for even just one day for it is fully unbearable by the spirit and flesh to be put into such circumstance; which is hell as being tormented for eternity. For we may be sinners still but strive to avoid all paths of unrighteousness and resist our sinful nature to our best of might. Draw closer to the Lord our God in heaven and the soon to return King of kings, Holy and Righteous Savior, Jesus Christ the Light of the world and our source of sanctification into everlasting life.
Blessed be to those that have remained faithful and kept the commandments of God our Lord dearly in their hearts and treasures shall it be theirs in God's kingdom above. Amen and peace be among God's people... Hallelujah! ~
~ Must we take no more pleasures of what is in this world non-matter the extravagance and luxuries that may actually be chanced upon us for they are temporary and finite which will have its end sooner or later. We must prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord the Holy One known in the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ our Messiah for He shall arrive in due time as we must all be aware that we are living in the end times as of this moment even.
Devote ourselves unto Jesus our Saviour for our rewards are treasures in heaven that we know not of whilst we are here in this world still. Glory be to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all who are righteous and holy, and ultimately to the Good Shepherd with thanksgiving and praises that He laid down His life for us, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Amen! ~
~ The gospel is that Jesus the Christ came down from heaven to save us from the torments of hell. Our Lord Jesus had to suffer and die to be as an atonement for our sins because we cannot compensate it by just acting out righteousness on our own accord even if we try our best to do so. Only by the shedding of His blood can we then receive redemption for He is the perfect sacrifice that is sufficient for the requirement of total forgiveness. So, we should all have faith in the Son of the living God as our only Saviour of our souls. Then shall we enter into God's heaven. Praise be to Jesus Christ for He is worthy of all worship! Amen! ~
~ How blessed are those who commit holy lives as to be a follower of Christ Jesus. Their reward in the afterlife shall be immensely satisfying with great gratification for all eternity most certainly as long as they put Jesus Christ first in their lives. All we need in this world is to have Jesus to be in the centre of our lives and to strive and give our utmost adoration unto Him on earth.
Only Christ the Lord can grant us with salvation that will lead us to heaven. I would so love to be with Jesus my God forever because He is our only true Friend of pure love and our eternal Saviour. May God bless those who bless Him wholeheartedly! ~
~ I can't wait to enjoy an endless heaven with my God and Lord Jesus. Absolutely awestruck and amazing moment would it really be to be in God's majestic kingdom indeed. How I wish I could get a glimpse of heaven myself as it will be such a wonderful adventure to discover this place that is to be a mystery to many. I plead to Jesus that He would have my name written in the Book of Life as I really don't want to perish.
It is extremely important for me to not continue with my life in sins anymore. However, it is sometimes rather or even really hard to avoid and abstain from it because of human nature. I would so warmly welcome the Holy Spirit to come and take control of my life by guiding me step by step to walking in holiness. I do not wish to fail my heavenly Father, Lord Jesus in any ways possible but that I would be able to glorify Him with this life of mine. I really need to be serious about my salvation and not to treat it lightly.
Knowing that I have done so many wrongs and sins in counting during my entire lifetime on earth. I don't deserve eternal life, but may God have mercy on my soul and that I do so love my Saviour Jesus Christ deep down in my heart as I long to be with Him for He is my all in all. Amen... ~
~ Jesus Christ is the one true Son of God that walked the world with wicked sinners who had persecuted Him despite His righteousness by His own people. He is our Creator who is now reconciled with the Father, our God in heaven. Some have seen Him and have shared their testimonies to the witness of seeing the Lord who would always appear in visions and dreams or of any supernatural experiences.
There is no other choice we ought to make but to submit our souls unto Jesus the Saviour of all of humanity for He is indeed the only way that can bring us into everlasting life. The Son of God loves us and does not want anyone of us to perish but it is still up to us to make the decision to accept His gift of eternal life by making Him the Lord of our lives for all the days of our life.
We must make the efforts to repent of any sins for the sake of righteousness over any wrongful works even if it may be for our own pleasures. We must also become His servants and give our hearts over to Jesus Christ, for in Him is full of love for us sinners and He is forever filled with the holiness of God. Amen! ~
~ Our hope is in Christ the Lord Jesus for our salvation that leads us into the heavenly realm where God resides. For us to have that blessed assurance of obtaining ourselves a place to enter into the pearly gates of unimaginable glory, we must definitely put Christ Jesus as the Commander of righteousness first in the highest regards of trust in Him and that we should also include the attribute of love that Jesus so resonates while He was on earth.
Our imperfections are factors that deter us away from God and holiness, but it should not be the determinant of our destiny that we should not be driven far from righteousness. Should the God of the universe be merciful towards us sinners of this world even as we are unworthy of His mercy.
I am personally hoping to receive the crown of eternal life once I move on from this earthly life, but I am unable to truthfully be completely sure of it myself. I should nonetheless be grateful that I have made the choice of choosing the path in having a relationship with Jesus my Saviour God on earth. May God justify everything in time to come... Amen. ~
~ We are all humans and fall short of the glory of our Lord. I honestly don't think there is truly a way to abstain from every single sin no matter how hard we all try to present ourselves pleasing in the eyes of our God. When we pray for forgiveness for our sins and do our very best to repent, we would more often than not fail after a period of time and fall back into sin again.

It really is a vicious cycle in our lives. We are waging a spiritual warfare with our arch enemy, which are all forms of sins that causes a separation between God and us. No one can be fully righteous which is a fact, but one can only strive to avoid the wickedness of sin to cause havoc and ruin our relationship with Jesus Christ.
More people should wake up and realize the harsh consequences and the reality of committing these acts of sins for God will not be merciful to spare those who purposely defy Him. Sanctification is a continuous process by being submissive to the Holy Spirit and accepting that we are all unworthy of salvation but is willing to do our utmost best to obey God in whatever ways possible even though we may still stumble along the way, which is very much inevitable in all cases for everyone.
In all hopes that God will pardon me of my sins personally as I seek for His forgiveness deep within me for, I feel remorseful of my actions but is somewhat still struggling helplessly to prevent sin from happening again in my life. I praise Jesus my God and give great honor to His holy Name for He is all worthy and holy all the time! ~
~ What more can we ask from Jesus that He truly gave all He could give as He took on human flesh as being God the Son who died a horrific death all for our sake. So that we may have our sins forgiven if we plead with Him for mercy. Our Lord is our only one true hope of salvation as being the soul Saviour of all humanity. It is because of Jesus that we can face God the Father and to no longer be condemned guilty of being a sinner in this fallen and wicked world. Shall we no longer be spiritually separated from the Lord Almighty who Is Holy. That we must honour Him with all our praises, to exalt and glorify Him to the highest of highest honour. Amen... ~
~ Indeed, so that Jesus Christ who was God incarnate; God manifested in human flesh/form showed His ultimate long-suffering love to all of humanity by dying on a cross to bear the sins of the world. We all need to really appreciate Him with thankfulness and to be grateful for the wonderful work He had done for us to be saved from being damned. To show our gratitude by glorifying Him with utterances of praises and to worship Him. For He is worthy of all honor and to be exalted greatly as being our Holy and Almighty Creator King.
Submit our soul to the Saviour, our Lord Jesus and that shall we also be freed from sin. Christ loves those of whom are His sheep so much so that He willingly went through all the sufferings that was done unto Him and chose to give up His life for ours, that we may gain eternal life. Be obedient to His righteous laws and store up treasures in His kingdom. The Lord Jesus our God loves His sheep who are His people. Be blessed! Amen. ~
~ Jesus died for us, but what can we do for Him in return? Is our love for Him deeper than His love for us? Are we willing to be crucified and scourged to a horrible death to pay the penalty of our own sins in which what He had to go through for all of us? He gave all He could give as our one and only righteous Saviour and that everything He does is good in the eyes of the Lord our God. As for us, count the number of wrongs and sins committed in our lives and realize the shame for committing them, have our heads bowed down in shame and guilt paired with remorse. Should our only job be is to turn away from anything that defiles our conscience which displeases God.
Nobody is born with the ability to completely avoid and abstain from sinning except Christ who came to save us from our sins. There truly is hope for those who place their trust in the Lord. His mercy endures forever for those of His people who acknowledge Him to be their God. There is no condemnation to those who are trying their best in always attempting to stray away from many sinful ways but still struggle and stumble time after time. Those who refuse to love and believe in the Saviour Lord Jesus will be those who shall be brought to Gods' judgment of His holy ways of dealing with these wicked sinners. For they have no remorse and place for God in their hearts at all and do not feel guilty for the wrongs that they have committed. So, come and follow Jesus and worship His majesty for He is worthy and who Is also our Holy Lord and King. Amen… ~
~ I believe that sin will never enter and be present in the eternal kingdom of heaven where God dwells. To sanctify our souls and cleanse ourselves of all unrighteousness, which should be crucial for every individual. I want to inherit eternal life, but I am so truly unworthy of it because of me being a filthy sinner in the sight of God. But Jesus did willingly save me through His death on the cross so that I can be forgiven, for His precious blood was shed for my sins by renewing my life as I plead for His blood to wash my sins away.
Life is a constant struggle with the battling against all forms of sins. If only everyone in this world will treat each other as their friends and not strangers. Love one another with a harmonious heart of happiness; it would certainly be absolutely splendid indeed. No strife and hatred, no anger and discord among one another but everyone living in peaceful unity altogether.
However, the fact is that we live in this world with hefty occurrences of sins and that it is practically impossible to achieve an environment of complete holiness. It would be wonderful to experience great gratification in all of our lifetime without having to feel dismayed by any unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances.
Let us come and acknowledge our sins before God that may He ultimately show us eternal mercy by not casting us into everlasting punishment at the end of our lives despite our earthly disobedience. May Jesus' Holy Name be greatly blessed and exalted for His immeasurable love for us as we are His children and His friend. ~
~ It is such an awesome thing to know the Lord Jesus Christ who is God the Son in our lives. With Him comes salvation that every soul needs to get into God's Kingdom above for He is our only way of life everlasting. There are absolute wonders of breathtakingly beauty there. The comfort is beyond comprehension and the immense feeling of holiness and love.
Believing that Jesus is the Saviour Messiah who came to redeem us is crucial if we want to be with Him in heaven and that we must repent and turn away from our sins whatever it may be. It is important for people to realize that Christ the Lord Jesus is truly the only person we need in this life even though it may also be a fact that we need our daily amenities to survive but apart from that Jesus satisfies everything if we look beyond our earthly needs and pleasures.
We belong to God as we are His children; we give praise and worship to Him for He is our King. God is holy and righteous, but we are not, thus we must learn in His attributes by being refined and purified in and out completely all through our lives. Every person needs God in their lives but sadly not everybody wants Him to be a part of their lives because they chose to rebel and defy Him. Those who welcome the Holy Spirit of God in them have chosen the wisest decision for with God they can gain the rights to partake on eternal life.
It is such a fortunate honour to be a Christian. The harsh fact is that any other religions in this world will not save us from hell because they are nothing but false doctrines and lies. Should people finally understand the truth which is only found in Christ the Saviour Lord that they must place their sins before Him for the blood that He had shed to wash them away for all people. Great thanks to His death because of us that we may be saved. Amen... ~
~ Lord Jesus Christ, You do still love me even though I am a no-good sinner whom You have continuously cleansed my iniquities with Your precious Holy Blood shed on the cross of having been afflicted with scourging where You died a terribly painful death for our sake and for us to be redeemed. Receiving redemption, remitting our unholy transgressions that defied Your commandments for us to obey and to be on the path of righteousness. 
You are merciful O Lord God Jehovah, Elohim, as You are willing to forgive us even though we may inevitably fail at times and fall short of Your glory but please help us, Lord Jesus, to be walking on the road to full repentance that we may succeed through gaining power that enables and empowers us with the gifts of Your strength which shall it be imparted unto us; Your children of faithfulness. Shall we enter into Your Holy Heaven of glory and peaceful rest upon our departure from earth when You call us back home to be with You in Your holy and marvellously magnificent Kingdom for eternity. Amen and Hallelujah... ~
~ Heaven, I just want to be there, it seems so far away, but O Lord my God, will You take me into Your perfect kingdom of peace, I pray O Lord my God. You are my King, my God, my only Lord I need, thank You Lord God and I praise Jesus the Christ. I need You in my life, my Saviour God who reigns forever more. Angels sing Your Love, glory be to You alone, mighty and strong are Your angels but You are King of all. God, I love You and I praise You with my voice so take me as I am... I believe You died for me but resurrected King You are, now in heaven with the Father. Holy Spirit come in me, lead me to righteousness and I rest my soul in You my God... ~


  1. Heavenly Kingdom of the True and Sovereign God the Perfect King. I wish to experience encountering visitations to Paradise for it is such an inspirational gift to people who treasures the Trinity of Holiness dearly and wholeheartedly with their soul. The Holy Son in the Name of Jesus is indeed the ultimate form of Love that is fully manifested by His Holy Spirit. The topic of Heaven certainly interests and intrigues me plentily for my soul so desires and longs for the moments that I finally enter into the Joy of Jesus. I am somewhat concerned that my works on this Earth I'm in currently, for I do not know if I may be entitled enough to receive rewards for even if I have some earthly righteousness in my life. I understand it is good to be contented with whatever God is willing to award me with, with His gifts of Goodness with deeds that brought glory and honor to Him. I'm astounded by the sheer comfort and bliss and really anticipates for Almighty Jesus to welcome me into His eternal place of blessings...

  2. Examine our hearts before Your Holy Dominion O Righteous King of Eternal Glory LORD Jehovah... We are brought into existence here in this world wherein we could subsequently enter into Your presence in Your Heavenly courtroom upon unifying with You and of Your immaculate Holiness and Love for us by adopting us to wholeheartedly honor You as Your humanly created children awaiting to be glorified in the coming life of the hereafter.

    Let us understand the essential essence of prayers in communing with You indeed, professing utter reverence and exaltation throughout our adorations and complete surrendering submission to Your Holy Will in every occurring circumstance within this worldly dimension on the earth You had formed by Your Sovereignty of all decrees. As children of light, may we pledge our loyal allegiance as Your beloved people; pardoned of our sins, who solely wishes to uphold Your infinite goodness and perfectly pious commandments of love, in our apparent obedience for You amongst our temporal co-existence with the rest of fallen humanity that is of the majority.

    Empower us with Your agape Love O LORD that we will successfully restrain ourselves from committing towards any forms of iniquities that has since created a great spiritual chasm of separation. Enable us to have a sanctified soul and heart of offering worship to You alone O Elohim God. Our redemption has been achieved as we faithfully acknowledge Your Holy Son Yeshua's offering of His sacrificial recompense for our soul to receive salvation that allows us to be in reconciliation with You now and forevermore O Lord. We gratefully appreciate You O Majesty LORD God, with a heartfelt gratitude for Your immeasurable love and the abundance of future blessings once our souls enter into Your Kingdom of Heaven!

  3. True that tenacious tempting trials towards our fallen sinful nature is on an all-time frequent onslaught against the very souls deemed precious to God our LORD Jesus Christ. Found to be an undefeated formidable foe for even the children of Christ who possesses a measure of faith and love for the good grace of King Elohim. A continual strive to thrive in a lifestyle of obediently abiding in the righteousness of God's sacred commandments for mankind.

    Victory over the many odd forms of transgressions that unfortunately abounds in the present world has held several souls in captive to condemnation, if they have not been bought by the cleansing blood that the LORD had personally shed for sinful humans, to purchased them for redemption through the divine exchange made upon the Godly incarnation of Christ. Jesus provides for our need for forgiveness when we seek after Him with a contrite heart, in the midst of constant trials and struggles. They tend to distract and even draw us away from His Holy Will often times with the carnal cares of the world paganized with vanities and that many heathen hearts of people, having fallen preys to the cunning schemes of the unholy entities of its presences within the physically spiritual realms on earth.

    Multitudes of lost humanity fails to truly approach Jesus for life eternal that He freely offers to those who willfully submits their soul to the Lordship of the Son of God in Jesus Christ. God has the divine authority of every created being that are in all of existence ever since the start of creations from angelic creatures to the ulterior significance of every minute details that moves and have its being. May the mercies of God be upon those who genuinely requests for a repentant heart...
