~ Jesus our
Jehovah Judge of Justice gives you peace to those who are willing to come to
Him in faith and obedience. Serve Him and Him only shall you receive your share
of salvation upon your departure from earth as your soul shall see His
absolutely amazing and astounding awesome angels and be with God forever
throughout all eternity in His perfect heaven of holiness. Amen and Hallelujah!
Heaven is only a breath of life away for those whom have been forgiven of their earthly sins, when their life is due to meet the inescapable destiny of death which seizes for them to breathe in anymore oxygen. A place of unimaginable glory where the One True Triune and Living God reigns since timeless eternity. When the LORD created all of His creations, He had set human beings apart from every other entity that exists on earth. God has placed an eternal soul in people that has either one place or another (heaven or hell) where the individual will decide with his or her own freewill while he or she was in this world where they will transition towards at the end of their life. The LORD Jesus Christ is truly God incarnate, being in human form though He is God Himself. Jesus did the perfectly righteous work in which no mortal man or woman could perform with equal perfection of morality for He is Holy and has been so and will always be forever. When sinners soften their sinful hearts and willingly sign up for a relationship with the Sinless and Perfect Creator King, they reap the resurrection of eternal life into God's Kingdom of Heaven...
Though I may have many flaws and trespasses of multiple sins in my life, God sees the heart of mine to the innermost being and core. He has never once left nor abandon or forsaken me, for His Holy Spirit has been accompanying me throughout all the fragile days of my life. In innocence, I was birthed into this world but oh, have I been tainted with sins due to this sinful nature as one of another many sinners in this fallen world. God's presence in my life through the Lord Jesus Christ in Whom I have faithfully accepted and received sincerely, has redeemed and rescued me from eternal condemnation. Mercy and Love has shone into my sinful life, that I may be compelled to serve and worship God wholeheartedly with much effort, having faith and love for the God Who died for me. Offering to Him a humbled heart of thankful gratitude and an abundance of appreciation. So my soul shall praise the Lord Jesus Christ forever for He has my name marked in His Book Of Life in Heaven!
- Devotion and devoutness as being Christ's lover -
I am a part and member of the House of our Holy God, in this fallen and sinful world whereby many sinners and some saints of God co-exists in. I'm willing to serve God with a heartfelt sincerity, being a soul-winner, sharing the Goodness of God's Gospel, bringing Him glory with the guidance from His tender-loving Holy Spirit indwelling me. As I desire to proclaim the wonderful Truths of the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is our Saviour, Holy King and Righteous God.
I do so desire to eagerly be in communion with my eternal and everlasting Heavenly Father of Majestic Glory for all eternity. I trust that I have a mission on the earth that He created me according to His Holy Will for me to be here on earth. Trusting in Him that my ultimate purpose of having this soul of life in which He had appointed me with, is that I may so exalt and honour Him for He is my Adonai Elohim King. I would so wish to be an instrument and vessel for the Lord my God to lead lost souls to the narrow road of receiving eternal salvation by placing their faith in Christ Jesus. May we also enthusiastically enthrone Him humbly, expressing admiration and adoration of love for Him as our One True Trinitarian-God.
God so verily Love all of His spirit children, especially those who truly acknowledges His Sovereignty and Power. Jesus Loves us so much, even to the point of being willingly obedient to our Father God by being the sacrificially submissive Saviour, offering up His life as He had bore our iniquities, to fulfil the Perfect Justice and Will of God. As He had to endure excruciating tortures of being scourged and crucified, to provide propitiation and remission for the sins of the world. Allowing full reconciliation with God for every sinner who would willingly receive His gift of forgiveness through the finished work of Jesus Christ. He was birthed in Bethlehem as the Son of God, had taken upon Himself our punishments from us on our behalf by placing it upon Himself as He laid down His Life as the Babe of Heaven. Jesus Christ, our Lord Who had never once sinned, had became sin, for He willingly agreed to be the ransom for us as He paid our debt as the Perfect Offering. Jesus Lovingly suffered and shed His Blood on the cross, so we could be redeemed into God's Kingdom of Heaven.
I do so desire to eagerly be in communion with my eternal and everlasting Heavenly Father of Majestic Glory for all eternity. I trust that I have a mission on the earth that He created me according to His Holy Will for me to be here on earth. Trusting in Him that my ultimate purpose of having this soul of life in which He had appointed me with, is that I may so exalt and honour Him for He is my Adonai Elohim King. I would so wish to be an instrument and vessel for the Lord my God to lead lost souls to the narrow road of receiving eternal salvation by placing their faith in Christ Jesus. May we also enthusiastically enthrone Him humbly, expressing admiration and adoration of love for Him as our One True Trinitarian-God.
God so verily Love all of His spirit children, especially those who truly acknowledges His Sovereignty and Power. Jesus Loves us so much, even to the point of being willingly obedient to our Father God by being the sacrificially submissive Saviour, offering up His life as He had bore our iniquities, to fulfil the Perfect Justice and Will of God. As He had to endure excruciating tortures of being scourged and crucified, to provide propitiation and remission for the sins of the world. Allowing full reconciliation with God for every sinner who would willingly receive His gift of forgiveness through the finished work of Jesus Christ. He was birthed in Bethlehem as the Son of God, had taken upon Himself our punishments from us on our behalf by placing it upon Himself as He laid down His Life as the Babe of Heaven. Jesus Christ, our Lord Who had never once sinned, had became sin, for He willingly agreed to be the ransom for us as He paid our debt as the Perfect Offering. Jesus Lovingly suffered and shed His Blood on the cross, so we could be redeemed into God's Kingdom of Heaven.
I am but an unworthy sinner, made righteous by the shed Blood of Jesus my Messiah-God. He has cleansed me of my sins altogether that I may receive redemption of having life eternal in His magnanimously, magnificently marvellous Heaven. Salvation is offered to every sinner who decides to repent sincerely and practice works of righteousness in acknowledgement of Jesus as Christ and to faithfully serve Him wholeheartedly. Every soul that truthfully accepts God's Holy and Honourable Son; the Lord Jesus Christ, will by no means perish but are to be welcomed into Paradise upon the day of their deathly departure from this world. Fight these spiritual and physical battles, against any powers of darkness and so shall we be triumphant forever, enjoying the blissful blessings in which of what our only True and Living God has prepared for each and every one of His virtuous people who has reverence for Him, our Holy King and God of Greatest Goodness.
How I am full of gratitude and is satisfyingly and abundantly filled in my heart with thanksgiving to Christ Jesus; my Lord and King of Glory Who saved me from the impending judgements and wrath of God that are reserved for those in this world who are really considered by the Lord as to be incorrigible transgressors and sinners in this world. Therefore, every person must have a sincere heart of repentance towards longing for righteousness in their lives in order to please our Holy Creator. We should all submit and surrender the eternality of our souls and offer our hearts and minds to be renewed completely for God's purposes only.
May the Lord Jesus Christ be with His earthly saints for all of the days of their lives in this world and even to the ends of the earth, as they who willingly and wholeheartedly worship and thirsts for righteousness, genuinely praising Him for He is all worthy of all truthful offerings of honour and worship. Shall we finally receive our glorified bodies once we depart from this fallen realm of earthly dimension and to enter into His rest of pureness of peace, perfection and absolute holiness on an immeasurable, timeless and unending Heaven forever and ever more. Hallelujah and Hosanna to our Lord Jesus Christ in the highest of honour!
O Lord Jesus Christ may I meet with You in a place of pure peace and in Your power of perfection do I come humbly bowing down in exaltation of awestruck wonders of love and adoration. Your beauty is beyond all boundaries and as I bear the greatness of Your Almighty goodness where may I do what Your Will for me is always on earth. Shall I be always seeking for the Holy Spirit to dwell in me deeply as I come to experience the extravagant beauty of total tranquillity that may You, my Saviour and Friend Jesus will please transform me into a brand-new born-again creation as being Your friend and child whereby may I achieve the glories of finally entering Heaven...
Our blessings in life, be it materialistically or having physical talents and gifting, being able to boost our well-being holistically should be treated as much of a bonus from God, that He may have bestowed upon us with. Experiencing the afterlife destination of Heaven for all souls whom are saved by the blood of our extraordinarily eminent and sacred Lord Jesus, the Only saving-Messiah. For each and every person who will gladly honour the King and Creator of the Universe and everything else, beyond our mere understandings, are we indeed extremely blessed. The perfection of God's Heaven are immensely impressive while many mysteries so wonderful, that is beyond our mortal knowledge of goodness.
People who are still engrossed in earthly matters should channel majority of their energy and focus their time and effort to willingly serve and work for the Lord Christ Jesus, preaching an invitational message to everyone whom are potentially willing to accept the truth of the gospel with an open mind and heart. Having fellowship with one another as being the bride and church of our Only Redeemer, Jesus. Accepting and embracing God's free gift of eternal life will certainly be the wisest and utmost crucial decision of every souls indeed. Thus, having their names to be written and will it never be removed from the record of the Lamb's Book of Life.
The untold terror that awaits the unrighteous and ungodly souls whom adamantly refuses to repent of their acts of wickedness and have even seemingly chosen to work for their ways towards damnation in spite of the sobering reality of hell as would have been warned of in their lives. The judgements may have been set for those souls whom are doomed to be lost forever unfortunately. Though however, at the expense of God's mercies, would there be even a glimmer of hope in these seemingly incorrigible souls, given them time and opportunities still, to turn away from their terrible sins and abominations before their day of death arrives...
Being separated from the Lord Jesus, our God and that if we are to be accountable for our own wrongdoings and even wickedness will be much worse off than any imaginable sufferings. The unceasing tortures of hell will be the last thing in which anyone would ever want to endure at all for not even the shortest slight of moment. Posing a prominently prayerful lifestyle whilst being sincerely desiring to have an intimate spiritual relationship with God and having a heart of humility alongside repentance and righteousness is necessary in our Christian walk with the Lord Jesus, our God. I dutifully wish to humbly apologize for all of my sins that were committed purposefully, for I appreciatively ask for the constant and continual sanctification from the Holy Spirit in my life each and every day. Praises and all thanks be unto my always gracious God, Jehovah and King Jesus always.
Let us diminish the destruction of our sinful desires that causes disorders in our Christian walk of life. For we need the constant subtle strengthening from our beloved Holy Spirit that we possess in our life as a gift from Christ Jesus. Speaking and summoning the spirit of godliness for an awakening revival is important for our souls to be geared and steered towards all works of holy righteousness at all possible prolonging periods of time. Shall it be that may Jesus the Messiah-Christ be our Anointed Guidance each and every moments for as we shall be alive still, in this world where we might at certain times be faced with obstacles of tests and many challenges while remaining faithful always. May the Lord send-forth His ministering angels of guardian to help us overcome and conquer these spiritual warfare, against the forces of darkness. We are all in need of God's peace and powers of protection that we may remain safe in His Son's loving hands. Submerge ourselves in the Love of God as we submit the will of our hearts and souls into the arms of our Most-High God of Righteousness.
O merciful King of greatest Majesty and Holiness, for every soul that had sinned against Your Holy Laws of perfection, I request for Your pardon of forgiveness. As children we claim to be, may our works of deeds be in alignment to our words that projects the righteousness of Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son. Cleanse our minds that we will be able to thrive in Your goodness with a pure and sanctified soul and spirit that shall never be ruined by sinful defilements any longer; once we are to be given our glorified body and being as we dwell with You in Your Kingdom of Heaven forever. Lord my God, help us sinners and saints likewise by expelling all forms of unrighteousness in our hearts and minds that we may be able to then, imitate the sinlessness that is likened to that of Your Son; our Saviour Jesus Christ. Enable for us as Your children to be greatly empowered by having to receive spiritual and physical purity, while refining our life with holiness. Qualities and gifts that we may obtain and receive the beloved indwelling presence of Your Holy Spirit we are indeed privileged and humbly thankful for toward You, O God!
May we, Your sons and daughters accumulate for ourselves with gifts and treasures that You are willing for us to receive in the Heavenly realm where You are, upon the ending of our earthly lives... With great thanks for all that Christ the Lord Jesus had made pardon for us of our sins to reconcile with You, our God finally. Lord Jehovah, may I request for Your empowerments, to be provided with spiritual gifts of blessings that are in accordance to Your Will. O God of the Universe, Creator of all things small and great, help us people to be able to fully repent and be completely freed from the chains of sins. No longer will we be defected with any forms of unholy thoughts and deeds that defies Your Will and that we may be void of any impending judgements that will happen to befall upon this carnal and secularly sinful world...
Excitingly awaiting for my time to be up in this sinful and fallen world. Where I will most assuredly with fervent hope of being welcomed in the third Heaven of peaceful paradise. I shall no longer experience all of anymore sorrows that spoils the soul due to certain forms of humanly imperfections that unfortunately abounds the earth where many people place their temporal treasures in efforts of earnings which will not matter any longer when the day of death arrives for him or her. Whilst the rewards that Jesus Christ, our Saviour-God has prepared for us our incorruptible inheritance of infinite values of remarkable rewards far beyond the land of this flawed realm.
O how I am, and am I really ready to meet my Saviour and God once I leave this planet. I owe it all to the Lord of lords and King of kings - Jesus Christ, Who was fatally scourged and bled for our sins, that He was crucified for my sake and for the transgressions of all humanity. Son of Yahweh and God Himself as Christ the Lord Yeshua had successfully accomplished the ultimate work of redemption for humankind. Spiritual reconciliation with our Almighty Father is made possible now, thus, our sole duty and mission is to live in reverential obedience towards God's righteous rules and abide in His Holy Laws of Love while we do our best to honour His decreed commandment that are essential in the life of all humans, for they are an instructive manual of holiness. Infinitely indebted to the Son of God, my Lord Jesus, for His Holy sacrificial Love for His people and sinners indeed. I am a child of the Most-High God-Elohim forever and shall I be reigning with Christ Emmanuel for all of eternity.
O how perfectly precious and blessed for those who gets to enjoy every extremely exhilarating euphoria of being in the Kingdom of Heaven it will be. Not of any ability to accurately justify the utmost preciously perfect gifts of rewards prepared for those who do truly, love God with all of their being. How important it really is for every soul to invest their time and effort by focusing on the Lord our God. So much to gain for a saved soul who has been guaranteed by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. To be redeemed by our Emmanuel King Yeshua is an indescribable love that is incomparable to any existing moment of understanding that eternal life is for those who does and truthfully love to do the will of Lord Elohim. I am unworthily asking for the gift of being able to enter God's perfect Paradise upon the coming end of my earthly life. I request for forgiveness for every and all of my sins in which I had committed - past, present and also for any inevitable future misdeeds. I pray that I will continue to travel on the pathway to being granted with eternal life-everlasting. I am always anticipating with excitement of going into Heaven forever to be with the Only True and Living King and God, Jesus with all of His holy angels and enjoying all ultimately unlimited splendours of spiritual and tangible blessings for eternity..!
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me... I once was lost but now I'm found! O my goodness, Lord Jesus is truly our One and Only Holy Redeemer. There is none other names except Yeshua the Messiah that can a lost soul be forgiven and receive eternal life. I am sorry O merciful King of Majestic Glory Dearest God of the Universe for my iniquities for I am grateful for Your immeasurable Love that was offered to me and for those whom are Your people. We are truly indebted towards You, Lord Jesus Christ for exchanging Your Almighty place in the glorious perfections of Heaven by having to endure extreme pain and an agonizing death on the cross for the sake of the sins of the entire world. Please O Lord God that I shall come into Your Kingdom once I leave this fallen earth. May all the living that have life in them praise You overflowingly O God for Your Love for us is Pure and Holy. May my name be reserved in the Lamb's Book of Life forever as I shall be ushered into the Heavenly realm of much endless enjoyments.
We ought to keep our hearts close to the King of Holy Glory. Our true home as God's people is in His Heaven, being with God and that Christ Jesus has prepared a place of many mansions for His dearly beloved people to indwell in the future after leaving this fallen and sinful world. Nothing ever matters more than to having a fellowshipping relationship with our Holy Saviour Yeshua-Jesus. As we obey and abide in Him as His bridal church on the narrow pathway leading us into the Kingdom of God in Heaven for we have been washed and cleansed off our sins by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Surely do I desire and want my Saviour Jesus, the Only One Who has all powers in Heaven and the whole of the Universe to return on His second coming when every genuine Christian who are truthfully on the right track of traveling on the narrow route leading to eternal life. I pray that may many and that even majority of souls will be able to avoid and escape from damnation. That we will be considered and counted worthy ultimately, in the eyes of Jehovah, God the Father to have a residential reservation in His Holy Heavenly City forever.
Let us not be lukewarm as Christians, working in the flesh but be we holy while humbly honouring our Lord Jesus Christ always and joyfully. No other thing of earthly greatness which includes the opulence, extravagant luxuries or the richness of worldly wealth can even come anywhere close at all in comparison to the everlasting glories and blissfulness of what is prepared for the true Churches, the Bride of Jesus Christ in Heaven. The realm in which where we cannot fully fathom the utmost brilliance of exquisite glory of sophisticated splendours of that what Christ the Messiah and King of every soul who will place their faith on Him for salvation would be allowed to behold and comprehend the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus.
We must truly be yearning with preparation to finally meet the One True Living God one day when our mortal life ends on earth. That we may be joyful recipients of this infinitely great in magnitude of much marvellously magnificence, to finally dwell in the perfection of Heaven when we are called home to be with God in time to come. We are truly indebted to Christ Jesus for what He had accomplished for us that we would be allowed into God's Kingdom of Purest Perfection as we fully and greatly owe it to Christ Jesus for our salvation of eternal life. Let us exalt Christ the Lord Yeshua our God with a wholehearted heart of gratitude for we shall be with God as citizens of Heaven forevermore. Praise and thanks be to Jehovah Adonai!
Holy is the Lord God Almighty indeed, the heavens exist with the word of His commands. Heaven is far more supremely special of awestruck wonderment. Grasping the perfect work of God's celestial palace of eternity whereby the saints of all ages and saved souls who are finally glorified are now dwelling in. The King Who is Holy from everlasting to everlasting, enthroned in ultimate dominion and absolute justice always. Fellowship with Jesus Messiah and embrace His Holy Spirit, the Comforter and be our souls strengthened spiritually. Honour and worship be unto the King of the Universe and be we granted with life eternal, for God Who warmly welcomes everyone who truly acknowledges Him sincerely and are striving in obedience to His commandments of holy righteousness and shall enter Heaven at last. Dwell in Your people O Lord Jehovah of Holy Majesty and may we abide in Your Love for us King Emmanuel Jesus!
O Jesus Christ our Saviour... As Your sheep and children O dearest King to whom You had shed Your precious blood for whilst enduring extreme physical pains and anguish, ought we all to be forever in great gratefulness toward You Alone. For You had purposed Your life to be led in perfect holiness of Father God, being as the Son of Man, Who arrived to this world having to bore our iniquities upon Yourself in order for us to be faithfully forgiven. As we each entrust our soul to You alone O Lord with gratitude for Your Goodness in our life and towards eternity in Heaven with You O God. Let us too, be able to imitate an impactfully extensive love to others around as we should be set apart from the sinful ways of this world while we are to live a Christlike lifestyle, reflecting this deep sense of concerned lovingkindness for foreign souls whom have yet to sincerely entrust their lives to You for redemption.
Oh certainly positive that my hope and desire is surely to be in God's Kingdom of Heaven... Though, it is to be true that I am unworthy to be in this place of utmost perfection of holiness and beauty. My inner being seemingly longs to dwell in Heaven and finally being free from sins and all wrongdoings that presently affect me in this fallen world. I trust that I have been washed by the righteous blood of the Lamb of God. How much I would give to receive the priceless gift of eternal life.
Heaven awaits those whom have chosen to remain faithful and true towards the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity as they offer their heart and soul to the Living God of the Heavens. Accepting the Son of our Holy God to be the Lord of our life whilst journeying this world with His Holy Spirit indwelling us. Souls who submit to the Righteous Will of Christ our God, will reap life eternal in His Perfect Kingdom of Holiness. Sin will never be a persistent issue any longer unlike to be living in this mortal realm, where we would have to continually counter sins of all types, prone to fail the Lord of having to fall into multiple misdeeds at times. Jesus cares for every soul-child, even those who are still lost in their iniquities. He hopes for people to place their trust and obedience in Him alone as the Only reason to be living for as choosing to be of service to Him as He is their Almighty Lord. Nothing else in this temporary and trial-life matters more than to know and have a holy relationship with the Triune and Living God Most-High. Place our trivial treasures aside and fully focus on our path of persevering towards living a holy and humble life that will hopefully please God Who sits and reigns on the Throne of Heaven as our Compassionate and Holy Creator God forever!
May people come and experience the Holy and astounding view of envisioning God's wonderful goodness. Whilst we witness and forever being given entry into God's gloriously perfect place of Heavenly brilliance. Our stains of sins are now permanently washed away and erased from record thanks to Jesus. Greatest gift of salvation has been offered to everyone who are willing to accept God's gift of Love to humanity as His earthly children destined to dwell and reign in His House of Holiness as having been awarded with eternal life. Signifying God's Love for humanity through His sacred sacrifice of Christ, then for permitting people whom have receive His gift of forgiveness to enter into His powerfully precious presence timelessly. Dearest Lord, we are indeed overwhelmed by Your Love for us who were once wrongdoers but now are forgiven by Your everlasting Grace and Mercy upon us sinners here on earth.
Heaven will surely fully satisfy every bit of longing of wanting to be in this sacred realm of complete holiness, forever filled with total tranquillity and tremendous love in abiding godliness beyond what earthly words could fully justify. We are so much indebted to Jesus for His Perfect and Holy sacrifice in exchange for our souls to be welcomed into an everlasting, place of pure and perfect peace of infinite provisions. To experience the Kingdom of God for our very self, are we unable to express adequate thanks to God's profound Love for us that we may receive this invitation to enjoy His celestial home forever. God, our Lord blesses His church of those who are His chosen bride that would be so very privileged in obtaining shares of Jehovah's incomprehensibly perfect inheritance. For those whom have willingly chose to love Him whilst they were in this world despite the oppressions and saturation of abounding sins which separates people from God. His mercy for our penitent spirit and will of wanting to be desperately righteous and obedient to God's Holy Commandments that we shall be fully forgiven, to forever reside in Heaven!
To have our spirit, soul and life permanently encountering all experiences of ecstasies in an ever so extremely wonderous place of endless euphoria. Being in the Kingdom of God that we are forever grateful to Him; our Adonai King. The true children of God whom have their names never to be omitted from the Book of Life, thenceforth receiving permission to enter the everlasting and eternal home up in Heaven, should we all be infinitely thankful towards Lord El Shaddai, Almighty and Holy God. For we are unable to earn for ourselves redemption on our own but we are all beneficiaries of Jesus-Messiah for His blood has cleansed and forgiven any and all sins in which we would have committed with wrongful ways and intentions. The mercies of Elohim-Creator King has been extended to us that He so graciously pardons us sinners from all transgressions in which had tainted our soul with various sins. We did not have the rights to be part of Heaven's citizen but through the purest form of Love our Lord has for us people, may we embrace Him always with a deep sense of appreciation, acknowledging His Sovereign concerns and Kindness.
The King is Kind and He is the Lord of Life everlasting in Whom we entrust our soul to Him as the Lord Jesus Yeshua reigns in us as we possess the Holy Spirit of Elohim-God. We willingly want to offer our thanksgiving worship to Him for saving us from our sins with His merciful forgiveness for excluding us from enduring severe consequential judgements that we deserve due to our many misdeeds made. Repenting with earnest sincerity for God, from our many misdeeds made, as we are genuinely grateful towards His mercifully beloved blessings of Holy Goodness with Justice and Righteousness. Seeking and searching for the only road to reach God's Kingdom of Heaven as we shall commune with the Lord Jesus Christ in complete unity should be our topmost priority. Shall we be allowed to savour the Saviour's sanctifying work of wonders for us in spirit and soul is a really rather remarkable honour most certainly, receiving us into His perfection and abounding amazements.
Being in His presence of righteousness as we centre our praises and adoration towards the Triune God in Whom Christ our Redeemer has purchased for our salvation in exchange with His own Life of sinless righteousness as He sacrificially shed His blood of purity. Putting aside, for our sake, His precious place of heavenly gloriousness a territory so speechless in the uttermost ambiently brilliant captivity. The Love of Jesus for His Bride the Church of holiness that truly belongs to Him in yielded acknowledgements to His Sovereignty as they wholeheartedly worship the Lord Jesus Christ with reverential adoration. Those whom are washed off their sinful stains have now the opportunity of gaining the impartation of the indwelling Holy Spirit as these saved souls who are eagerly awaiting to partake on God's perfectly prepared place. Having reservation to fellowship with our Holy Creator King forever in a joyously mesmerizing realm of residing in Heaven - a place far better and beyond our greatest earthly expectations...
Your gift of eternal life is utmost precious to all of us whom are Your friends and disciples, beyond any words of abled offerings to reciprocate the thanksgiving that we may ever sufficiently show. So, we receive Your Love for us all in absolute appreciation with our entire existence. O God, we can only strive our very best to do Your righteous will even though we are flawed by nature from birth. Thus, we wish and want to honour You with a sincere and pure heart that may we become sinless one day to come as to be bestowed with a glorified body that shall never fall and fail You ever again - freed from sinful struggles. O Lord Jesus Messiah, may You continue to sanctify our spirit and soul to only serve You wholeheartedly and with Your Holy Spirit to indwell us forever always. We, as Your people seek to have a complete union of finest fellowship with You, our one-true Living God for all of eternity. Protect us we plead with wholesome defence and refuge from any and all attacks from those spiritual enemies and destructive entities. To know that our transgressional works of unrighteousness in both thoughts and actions which may so have some experiential distortion, with whatever is of corrupt in our lives, in an unpleasant way at times; renew and consecrate us totally O God.
As Your chosen remnant souls whom have been identified as those of the elects, help us to be able to strive and submit ourselves, surrendered in abiding obedience to Your righteously holy commandments. That we, as Your beloved humanly souls whom are truly born-again, will present ourselves blameless, by having a spiritually intimate relationship with You, the Holy King and Creator God of the universe and everything else far beyond our earthly comprehensions. May we also receive Your everlasting goodness and shall it be so that our names are written and sealed in Your Book of Life-Eternal as we enter to stay in Your heavenly paradise forever. So for us to be given an imperishable inheritance and being able to enjoy these entitlements of being in Your Holy presence. O Holy Redeemer alongside all other angelic beings and all of Your ultimately perfect and immortally significant sovereign celestial creations. O Jehovah-Elohim Adonai, You are all worthy of worships and praises indeed and so shall we as Your beloved, joyfully resound our voices of exaltations towards You as we reside with You in Your everlasting Kingdom of bountiful beauties of boundless wonders forevermore!
Once we shall be truly receiving the gift of our glorified body, our soul and spirit that will be completely consecrated as children of the Most-High, Holy True and Living Lord of the immeasurable Universe and Heavens beyond. We will partake on everlasting bliss, joy and contentment that is far superior to any earthly blessings that supersedes our humanly ability to conceive, comprehend or fathom the immaculate wonders and magnificent beauties in the realm of ceaselessly progressive perfection.
The sole presence of our Lord Jesus Christ is the epitome of having a citizenship as saved souls in Heaven itself. For if it was not for Christ Jesus or Redeemer-God, it is impossible for anyone to inherit such an indescribable place of inexpressible Love and Perfect Peace of Comfort and Joy. The Grace of God extended free to earthlings created in His image as He ordained and appointed each individual soul with a limited time on earth. As God destines the existence of all life to be present in this world as He bestows the breath of life to the living and has given people and even the animals with a distinctive and universally provided sense of freewill to decide and choose for themselves as the human race especially, to abide in accordance with their own pleasing desires whilst existing in a fallen world.
Jesus Christ as God incarnate chose to be our sacrificial Saviour as He was once birthed into this world with the spirit of servitude as the Son of Man. Holy as He was and will always be, Jesus our Lord, ever since His moment of conception in the womb of a mortal woman chosen by God as a vessel to bring forth a child by miraculous birth through the power of God the Holy Spirit, God has come to reside physically with His chosen nation of promise as the Only sign and hope for true salvation and redemption for those who are willing to put their faith in Jesus alone for eternal security despite having to face earthly persecutions and hardships in exchange for imperishable rewards from God. Jesus fulfilled the desperate need of forgiveness of sins that people require as He is the only acceptable atonement by God's Divine Justice of Holy Purity and Righteousness that can only be found in Jesus as He is our intercessory Mediator for the sake of lost humans to allow them reconciliation with God the Father, only by genuine faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus that will enable all souls whom have truly chosen to embrace Him with a humbled heart of faithful worship. For they are then spiritually transformed into a new creation by the sanctifying powers of the Holy Spirit to cleanse off the records of all sinful wrongdoings. From whom were we once enemies of God as sinners reserved for condemnation, now becoming sacred saints of God as His beloved people of faith and obedience to live out a life of righteousness to be as much of a pleasing sight to God.
To receive eternal life from God as His approval for us being His children is such an honour that no amounts of earthly treasures could purchase His infinite goodness and riches that we are rewarded with heavenly treasures, being in a realm where the Holy Angels of God resides with overflowing abundance of delightful goodness of God whereby Jesus will meet our deepest desires and wants. We will forever behold His Majesty and share in His wonderful radiance of emanating glory, consumed with everlastingly encompassing Goodness.
- Additional words as being a faithful Christian -
`The ultimate goodness God grants His people with merciful grace as we should be truly grateful indeed. Jesus loves this world of people so much that He submitted Himself up on that cross, being crucified for the sins of souls for salvation to be received by everyone who would present worship of faith to Him as the immortal being as God the Son. Christ had came to this world in obedience to the will of God as a humble Redeemer in fulfilment of prophecies, prescribing sanctification with support from the Holy Spirit in which we are to embrace with an open heart. May we never perish but to truly come to full repentance, producing works of goodness in the Name of our Lord and God through Jesus Christ always!`
`No words that all the world could make utterances to declare the gloriousness of God amongst the immeasurable heavens. We are unable to comprehend the astounding qualities and Perfect traits that God possesses in His infinite stance of absolute holiness of heavenly wonders. Amazing benevolence commending brilliance acquainted with heavens' angels and all creatures composing celestial worships to God Almighty Whose Son in unity and equality; Jesus Christ the Champion and completion of ultimate offering made for the sins of humanity. Indescribable enjoyments awaits all sons and daughters of our One-True and Living God eternally. Hosanna in the heavens!`
`We all ought to be so interested in the things that concerns about the Kingdom of God, of His Holy Heaven. Truly trusting that our Lord God has reserved unspeakable glories of blessings for those who love Jesus wholeheartedly down here below on earth. Heaven is a longing place to be in for our soul to find rest from the relentless spiritual sufferings and any anguish that are likely happening frequently, on a daily basis. Finally sheltered with full refuge from all forms of sins that we may unfortunately fall prey to. Comfort and bliss in the measure of perfection in an unfathomable realm of euphoric utopia, having a sinless way of mind and an undying body to dwell in together with myriads of holy angels and other saints of God has got to be the ultimate goal of every earthly mortals; an afterlife achievement towards the rest of eternity...`
`Lord God may You lead and guide me in this world and may I not stumble terribly on the paths that are still ahead of me as I travel along on this journey of life in which You had already planned for me according to Your Sovereign Will. May I thank and always serve and worship You with truth from my heart and spiritual soul. O Lord Jesus, You know my sins. I am not worthy of Your love and forgiveness because of my persistent iniquities but because of Your great Love for every one of us who wants to have fellowship with Your Holy Spirit and of Your Holy Goodness. Lord God, I pray that may You help me to overcome every sins despite my repeat failures in this life that I am leading. Empower me to be obedient in abiding to Your Holy Laws. Please Lord, do not hold me fully accountable for all of my past, present and future wrongdoings because I will not be able to handle the harshness of consequences for my sins. I give You thanks from my heart and may You constantly purify my mind and life altogether. Amen in Jesus' Name!`
`For God desires no soul to ever perish but that all should come and receive the gift of eternal life. For it was the sole reason and purpose that the Lord Jesus Christ had placed His royal robes and crown aside, stepping out and down from His eternal Heavenly splendours of utmost tranquillity and ultimate perfection. For our sake, Jesus bore a sinless mortal appearance likened to being a man as the Son of God and grieved for all souls who are unrepentant from sins. For many were unwilling to trust in Him and obey the righteous laws of love. Indeed, so unfortunate that many souls are on their way to everlasting destruction. To toil this earth for our sin's sake, that God wants souls to obtain salvation through the holy blood of Christ the Lord Jesus which was shed for all of us on Calvary. Make for ourselves this joy-unspeakable reservation of having been redeemed from our iniquities as we realise the sacrificial cost it took for Christ to save us from the snares of sufferings and condemnation. As we are to be welcomed into this celestial paradise once we leave earth.`
`How I certainly do wish for Jesus Christ to take and receive me into Heaven for all eternity indeed. I know that as me being just another sinful sinner, I would surely not be one bit worthy to enter in a place of pure perfection and holiness. However, I really do hope with all my heart that I will be counted as a saved soul by God accounted on behalf of my belief and faith in the Son and Lamb of God; Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who had died for my sins on the cruel cross of Calvary. Crowned the Lord with many crowns and may I too, receive the crown of eternal life... Amen!`
`Really want to leave this world of sin and all the filth from the many works that souls have done so in defilements of their lives as human beings. It is really a shame and disappointment for a person and even the children of God to fall and commit acts and deeds of sins, becoming so sinful. How long more will this wicked and wretched world go on as people are going to store up more wraths for themselves because of their unrepentant heart. Souls are to be judged for their wilful wrongdoings in which are surely against the Holiness of God. Oh Jesus, please return and also rapture all whom You have so forgiven despite their unholy iniquities.
For even Your sheep have been led astray by darkness although Your herd who belongs to You spiritually knows that You are our Only hope of redemption and eternal life. The enemies is raging a battle, even a warfare against people and Your Bride - the Church, in trying its hardest to ruin our relationship with You by pulling us apart and luring even Your elects to fall into its traps of transgression that causes souls to sin against Your Righteous Laws. Please, Lord Jesus, cleanse us completely, in our mind, spirit and flesh, that we may be able to triumph in victory as Your true and beloved friends and followers. Oh help us please Lord Jesus Christ!`
`If people could really realize the extreme severity of eternal damnation, they would surely have got a great urgency to place their faith in Jesus and put their sins to death. May the Cross be always before me and the world behind me. Heaven awaits for the righteous servants of Christ Jesus the Lord Almighty. It is believable that we are currently living in the end times shall soon be signalling the return of the Lord. Only God knows and holds the future of mankind and all of creation. Anticipate for blessings that may come upon us but also expect to experience more trials in the coming future as well, perhaps... All the best on our journey in this fallen world.`
`For those whom have their eternal soul in overbearing agonies ceaselessly for wilfully choosing to reject and rebel against Christ, Whom God had graciously given to this sinful world for the propitiation of all the iniquities that sinners had committed. They have been given the opportunities to receive the chance of salvation to be saved. These souls are judged with consequences void of recompense by the works of their own will and sinfulness whilst refusing to embrace the Love of Jesus wholeheartedly.
Now forced to endure the pains of endless sufferings due to their selfish ways and careless spirit of oblivious ignorance towards the Loving God Who died for them. God's sacrificial attempt of rescuing every person from perishing into a place of perpetual judgements and punishments as a consequence for these godless people with their lack of righteous faith and obedience from mortal men and women, which were displayed against the Supreme and Almighty Creator.
The heavenly places of dwelling as well as a miserable place of hell that some important warnings mattering on the subjects of the world to come for people provided by many messengers of God, have they been testifying the realities of a hopeless realm in utter damnation and extreme despairs beyond the worst of measures. Even now in which, several souls are sustaining constant afflictions of tortures as these are the eternally lost and doomed humans of wretchedness dealt in pain by those wicked and merciless demons of destruction.
Two spiritual and tangible realms with absolute contrasts of complete opposites by which a saved soul who has received the ultimate blessings of being able to enjoy endlessly for their wisest decision to partake in. As they have tried and done to their best of ability to be living out the practice of holiness and righteousness while they were in the world below the heavens. Unfortunately, there are also those whom have refused to do the Holy Will of God.
The mourning of regrets lasting throughout an endless eternity paired with the harshest pains a person has to undergo is indeed unimaginably fearfully sorrowful. While those whom are of God's people and faithful children whom are destined to have had their names marked and recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life, beholding mesmerising celestial rewards. Getting the unlimited moments of experiencing an everlasting amount of various blessings will be far better, beyond what mere earthly words would ever be able to totally justify the infinite magnitude of Love expressed for these blissfully blessed saints of Jesus Christ.
To be eternally grateful with an abundance of thankful gratitude, may the saved souls whom are redeemed from their sins, forever being in a place of everlasting contentment holistically. For all saints whom are able to enter God's Heaven must remember the extend of eminence in which God's people must most assuredly revere and acknowledge in adoration towards the Almighty, enthroned in celestial Majesty of Perfection and Holiness timelessly.`
`Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few will find it. Am I, and are you also on the narrow route that leads to Heaven? Wide is the gateway that people go through as they perish into eternal death of sufferings in hell. How can we assuredly determine and guarantee a successful salvation by really escaping the damnation which is bound to befall against sinful humans? Is believing in the Saviour and repenting truly sufficient to give us an actual confirmation of having our names written and never will it ever be erased from the Book of Life?
We are indeed going to have to die once in the future even if we don't want to or wish to contemplate much about the certainty of an afterlife. We may not even be able to secure for ourselves a place in God's Heavenly Kingdom. There is every right reason to avoid hell at all costs... A place of pure pain and tortures beyond boundaries that never ceases. Christ the Lord had warned us of the impending judgements that sinners deserve, for the deeds of sins in which were committed time and again, repeatedly.
Jesus' work on earth of having been brutally scourged and crucified for our sins to save us from the horrors of hell, will only be effective for those whom have chosen to receive His gift of salvation offered to everyone through His lovingly sacrificial death, for us to be forgiven from our sins of unrighteousness. The hope of entering into Heaven is all that any one would ever truly want as it is their only chance of escaping from eternal punishments. It will be the greatest blessing ever, to be able to enjoy Heaven without an end.`
`God does not condemn those who are truly saved by the blood of Jesus to cover their sins. Turn to Christ and receive His blessed gift of redemption. Thank Him for His deed of accomplishment on the cross that satisfied the Will of God so that we can be sanctified and to become a righteously new creation through continual repentance, helped by God's Holy Spirit.
Nobody is born with the ability to completely avoid and abstain from sinning, except Christ Jesus Who came to save us from our sins. There truly is hope for those who place their trust in the Lord. His mercies endure forever for those of His people who genuinely acknowledge Him to be their God. There are no longer any condemnations to those who are trying their best in always attempting to abstain and stray away from many sinful deeds but still struggle and stumble at times, feeling a sense of remorse and a thirst for holy righteousness.`
`Submit our soul to the Saviour, our Lord Jesus and that shall we also be freed from sins. Christ loves those of whom are His sheep so much that He willingly went through all the sufferings that were done onto Him and had chosen with His Will to give up His life for us that we could gain eternal life. Be obedient to His righteous laws and decrees and store up for yourselves blessed treasures in God's Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord Jesus our God Loves His people who are willing to honour and worship Him with faith and in truth with deep depths of sincerity. Be blessed, you who are dear to Him! Amen...`
`Jesus died for us but what can we do for Him in return? Is our love for Him deeper than His Love for us? Are we willing to be crucified and scourged to a horrible death for the penalty of our own sins of which what our Saviour went through for us? He gave all He could give as our Redeemer of Perfect Righteousness, that everything He does is always Good. Whereas for us, should we count the records of wrongs and sins in our lives, should we all feel ashamed of committing them, with our heads bowed down with remorse. Should our only job be is to turn away from any wrongful ways of lifestyles and choose to follow Jesus always...`
`So many disasters and abominations occurring as time goes on in this world. Life indeed is not an easy feat for people who are believers in Christ as they would have to undergo troubles and perilous times as well as for those whom have yet to realise their only True Hope and Saviour-Jesus.
Jesus' work on earth of having been brutally scourged and crucified for our sins to save us from the horrors of hell, will only be effective for those whom have chosen to receive His gift of salvation offered to everyone through His lovingly sacrificial death, for us to be forgiven from our sins of unrighteousness. The hope of entering into Heaven is all that any one would ever truly want as it is their only chance of escaping from eternal punishments. It will be the greatest blessing ever, to be able to enjoy Heaven without an end.`
`God does not condemn those who are truly saved by the blood of Jesus to cover their sins. Turn to Christ and receive His blessed gift of redemption. Thank Him for His deed of accomplishment on the cross that satisfied the Will of God so that we can be sanctified and to become a righteously new creation through continual repentance, helped by God's Holy Spirit.
Nobody is born with the ability to completely avoid and abstain from sinning, except Christ Jesus Who came to save us from our sins. There truly is hope for those who place their trust in the Lord. His mercies endure forever for those of His people who genuinely acknowledge Him to be their God. There are no longer any condemnations to those who are trying their best in always attempting to abstain and stray away from many sinful deeds but still struggle and stumble at times, feeling a sense of remorse and a thirst for holy righteousness.`
`Submit our soul to the Saviour, our Lord Jesus and that shall we also be freed from sins. Christ loves those of whom are His sheep so much that He willingly went through all the sufferings that were done onto Him and had chosen with His Will to give up His life for us that we could gain eternal life. Be obedient to His righteous laws and decrees and store up for yourselves blessed treasures in God's Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord Jesus our God Loves His people who are willing to honour and worship Him with faith and in truth with deep depths of sincerity. Be blessed, you who are dear to Him! Amen...`
`Jesus died for us but what can we do for Him in return? Is our love for Him deeper than His Love for us? Are we willing to be crucified and scourged to a horrible death for the penalty of our own sins of which what our Saviour went through for us? He gave all He could give as our Redeemer of Perfect Righteousness, that everything He does is always Good. Whereas for us, should we count the records of wrongs and sins in our lives, should we all feel ashamed of committing them, with our heads bowed down with remorse. Should our only job be is to turn away from any wrongful ways of lifestyles and choose to follow Jesus always...`
`So many disasters and abominations occurring as time goes on in this world. Life indeed is not an easy feat for people who are believers in Christ as they would have to undergo troubles and perilous times as well as for those whom have yet to realise their only True Hope and Saviour-Jesus.
We may not know for sure, when the time of rapture will come to pass but we must surely ought to be ready and refrain from sinning, for as much as we could, possibly, whilst desiring to be children of God. I hope that souls will not be left behind but there will inevitably be an enormous amount of the world's population who shall still be on earth after the rapture event actually happens, for they are sinners whom are unredeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.`
`What more should we expect or want from Jesus, for He had compassionately given all He could lovingly give. He took on human flesh, though being God, incarnated as the Son of Man, died a terrible death all for the sake of our sins, so that we could be forgiven through our faith in His saving grace and mercy. It is because of Jesus Christ that we could reconcile with God the Father, to no longer be condemned guilty. Shall we not be spiritually separated from the Lord Almighty Who is Holy as we honour Him with all that we have been blessed with by Him, on earth.`
`As a matter of factual reality, mentally matured people will be instilled with the nature of sin. Sinning is done in such a way of perhaps naturally but may not necessarily be completely done purposefully. However, to commit a sin, basically means that a person has done something morally wrong which is particularly unlawful or unholy that causes spiritual or even physical condemnation.
Now that we are unfortunately under this curse of being prone or vulnerable to committing acts of sins, knowing and unknowingly, therefore, we cannot evade the consequences of being punished by our Just and Holy God by default. We must acknowledge the Son of God; Jesus Christ, that He is able to pardon and grant us forgiveness and cleanse us from all sins.`
`What more should we expect or want from Jesus, for He had compassionately given all He could lovingly give. He took on human flesh, though being God, incarnated as the Son of Man, died a terrible death all for the sake of our sins, so that we could be forgiven through our faith in His saving grace and mercy. It is because of Jesus Christ that we could reconcile with God the Father, to no longer be condemned guilty. Shall we not be spiritually separated from the Lord Almighty Who is Holy as we honour Him with all that we have been blessed with by Him, on earth.`
`As a matter of factual reality, mentally matured people will be instilled with the nature of sin. Sinning is done in such a way of perhaps naturally but may not necessarily be completely done purposefully. However, to commit a sin, basically means that a person has done something morally wrong which is particularly unlawful or unholy that causes spiritual or even physical condemnation.
Now that we are unfortunately under this curse of being prone or vulnerable to committing acts of sins, knowing and unknowingly, therefore, we cannot evade the consequences of being punished by our Just and Holy God by default. We must acknowledge the Son of God; Jesus Christ, that He is able to pardon and grant us forgiveness and cleanse us from all sins.`
`Restrain yourselves O sinners from your iniquities for shall you finally find rest and redemption as you turn your face upon the Anointed One... Praises to our Almighty God of Glory Most High and Magnificent Holiness in His Heavenly Realm beyond! Eternal life granted to the chosen souls of His spirit children who truly loves God with all their heart, mind, strength and soul. For anyone to be given a preview of heaven and hell, would really be a life-changing experience indeed and is the most important informative warning that one can ever receive indeed. The wonders of God's Holy Land in His Kingdom are beyond the best comprehensions of the human mind could conceive, for only some people will receive dreams of visions shows and foretell of what it is really like, to be with God and all of His glorious splendours.
On the contrary to that, the absolute sheer terrors and excruciating miseries and torments that lies in the bottomless pit of hell, that some unfortunate souls who are, and will be trapped in there with exceedingly intense agonies for all eternity. May the mercies of our Righteous Father in Heaven spare the souls of people whom have yet to truly trust and believe in Him. Also for those who are still heavily distracted by the carnal vanities of this world that does not matter with the critically crucial concerns of life-eternal, upon their earthly death.`
`Only through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ our Holy Lord that may we receive everlasting life as we put our faith in Him, our Creator-God Who chose to step down from Heaven and became flesh so as He physically dwelt with His creations, possessing purity for the remissions of our sins. May the followers of our Creator-God have their names found worthy enough to have it written in the Lamb's Book of Life. To be given access into paradise and live with God our Father forever and quench our thirst eternally by drinking the water from the River of Life.`
On the contrary to that, the absolute sheer terrors and excruciating miseries and torments that lies in the bottomless pit of hell, that some unfortunate souls who are, and will be trapped in there with exceedingly intense agonies for all eternity. May the mercies of our Righteous Father in Heaven spare the souls of people whom have yet to truly trust and believe in Him. Also for those who are still heavily distracted by the carnal vanities of this world that does not matter with the critically crucial concerns of life-eternal, upon their earthly death.`
`Only through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ our Holy Lord that may we receive everlasting life as we put our faith in Him, our Creator-God Who chose to step down from Heaven and became flesh so as He physically dwelt with His creations, possessing purity for the remissions of our sins. May the followers of our Creator-God have their names found worthy enough to have it written in the Lamb's Book of Life. To be given access into paradise and live with God our Father forever and quench our thirst eternally by drinking the water from the River of Life.`
`The true and faithful followers of God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ whom have kept the Holy Commandments and decrees of God our Lord shall so be with the Lord forevermore. Love and worship be all unto the Holy Saviour for He gives us the chance of obtaining eternal life as may we submit our lives entirely unto Him as we surrender our soul to Christ Jesus the Messiah and God of Light and Holy Righteousness. We shall be forever grateful and thankful to God our King for the saving grace which He grants us with, through Jesus Christ' willing work of long-suffering sacrifice for all of humanity. May the Holy Spirit continue to dwell in God's people.`
`Hold onto the Lord Jesus Christ dearly in our hearts and be steadfast to Him always, no matter what the situation may be. Be equipped with the Spirit of Holiness from God Who dwells within us. Embrace Him with our hearts and minds to warmly welcome our Saviour Jesus into our life as He leads us to do according to where ever His Righteous Will guides us to. Repent genuinely and stay wholeheartedly devoted unto God our Heavenly and Majestic Father, the Host of angels. To be focus on eternal matters that may we one day be blessed tremendously by Him on an immeasurable and endless scale.
Judgements will be upon all people of every nation and tribes in all continents and to the ends of the earth. Pray sincerely and worship God with our hearts, minds, soul and strength and shall we give Him glory greater than anything else only to our Lord of Life eternal Whose power is unfathomable with astounding dominion over all things even unto predestination.
`Hold onto the Lord Jesus Christ dearly in our hearts and be steadfast to Him always, no matter what the situation may be. Be equipped with the Spirit of Holiness from God Who dwells within us. Embrace Him with our hearts and minds to warmly welcome our Saviour Jesus into our life as He leads us to do according to where ever His Righteous Will guides us to. Repent genuinely and stay wholeheartedly devoted unto God our Heavenly and Majestic Father, the Host of angels. To be focus on eternal matters that may we one day be blessed tremendously by Him on an immeasurable and endless scale.
Judgements will be upon all people of every nation and tribes in all continents and to the ends of the earth. Pray sincerely and worship God with our hearts, minds, soul and strength and shall we give Him glory greater than anything else only to our Lord of Life eternal Whose power is unfathomable with astounding dominion over all things even unto predestination.
Keep the Holy and Righteous Commandments of God always and abide by His Decrees unconditionally and may we be found worthy when Jesus Christ our Messiah returns to the world and may we earnestly hope that we are deemed worthy to have our names written in the Book of everlasting Life with God Who is our Sovereign King forever. Amen!`
`Our afterlife fate of Heaven or hell is if we will to choose to rely on Jesus Christ for our salvation to be given or not wanting to. My decision is obviously to take on the way of receiving eternal life in Heaven by submitting my life unto Jesus Christ because only He can give us everlasting life. To have all of our sins forgiven is the greatest gift ever as we may then be able to stand before the presence of God Almighty as clean and holy because of Jesus' sacrifices for all of us through His precious blood of righteousness which were shed for us. I really want to get into Heaven after I pass on from this world no doubt because I want to rest in harmonious joy forevermore with my one true Lord and God. To Jesus I give my humble thanks to, for truly saving my soul... Amen!`
`Jesus gave His life for everyone even to the non-believers because He so loves us despite our transgressions in which we have continuously committed against His righteous laws. How hard it is that can we ever fully focus our lives solely on Him because He is the only One that can give us eternal life and if we may hopefully dwell in His Holy Kingdom which is the purest of beauties for whatever that are present in Heaven.
`Our afterlife fate of Heaven or hell is if we will to choose to rely on Jesus Christ for our salvation to be given or not wanting to. My decision is obviously to take on the way of receiving eternal life in Heaven by submitting my life unto Jesus Christ because only He can give us everlasting life. To have all of our sins forgiven is the greatest gift ever as we may then be able to stand before the presence of God Almighty as clean and holy because of Jesus' sacrifices for all of us through His precious blood of righteousness which were shed for us. I really want to get into Heaven after I pass on from this world no doubt because I want to rest in harmonious joy forevermore with my one true Lord and God. To Jesus I give my humble thanks to, for truly saving my soul... Amen!`
`Jesus gave His life for everyone even to the non-believers because He so loves us despite our transgressions in which we have continuously committed against His righteous laws. How hard it is that can we ever fully focus our lives solely on Him because He is the only One that can give us eternal life and if we may hopefully dwell in His Holy Kingdom which is the purest of beauties for whatever that are present in Heaven.
May the Lord seal our souls for His Holy Heaven despite our fallen nature and sins that we may commit at certain times. God is forgiving of His people who acknowledges Him so may we continue to long to be with God the Father till the day we shall depart and meet with Jesus the Son of our Lord God. Jesus Christ provides us with what we will need as His children with godly blessings of sufficiency in our everyday lives. God watches and takes care of His people always even though at times that there will be times of trials and testing of our faithfulness and trust, know and believe that He will help us to overcome any moments of difficulties and incidences that we as God's beloved would encounter and experience.
God gives us the breath of life each and every day that we are alive in this world. We are to obey God of His Holy Laws and Commandments as much as we possibly can even as fallen sinners in this world. We must seek for Jesus the Christ as we need to have our sins to be forgiven through His sacrifice of His Perfect Life led and that He had resurrected with an ascension into Heaven, being with our Creator-God once again. Shall we always truly have the heart of worship towards Christ Jesus the Son and Jehovah Father God and may we receive the Holy Spirit to indwell us forever! Amen...`
`God has given us this life that we ought to try and understand the purpose of reason for us to be around. I believe that He has put us here for the reason of wanting us to come and know and fellowship with Him. We put our trust in the Saviour for He gives us the chances of receiving redemption through our faith and obedience in Him. Nothing that we do matters more than becoming and being a servant willing to submit ourselves in worship to God-Jesus for He is all worthy of praise. Even though there may be times that we may have to go through certain trials and tribulations, we must know that God is always there for us as long as we seek after Him. We must have the will to bravely live for God because He has the answers for everything in this world.`
`In life, though there is nothing and no-one perfect in completion, we need the encouragements of spiritual support, seeking after the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of God for any of our mistakes and wrongdoing we have made. We commit certain sins that we should not do at times, for our flesh is weak and that our minds are unable to fully contain the righteousness of whole as we would remain as fallen sinners who rightfully deserves condemnation. There would also be an overwhelming number of sins committed as we would be mostly and mainly weak as wretched beings. Let us give our best to live in many moments that are pleasing in the sight of God that we will be instruments and vessels to glorify His Name as much as we can possible. Eternal life may be a narrow path to attain for the majority of the world so may God help us all in our journey on earth.`
`The Lord is patient with us people, not wanting anyone to perpetually perish into a permanent place of punishments. We must fix our eyes focusing unto the Lord Jesus that He is our only source of salvation in every situation. Plead ourselves guilty in confession to God and seek for His forgiveness in humbleness. Do not desire sin but longing for godliness and love in thoughts and actions. God is of the Supernatural Spirit in which we do serve and that He is to be revered by all of His humanly creations. Make the right choices and turn away from any iniquities and any wrongdoings and do spend our effort and majority of our time exalting the Lord our God as we fill our hearts with His blessed goodness. Show forth that we are truly His children by not partaking in immorally unethical sins for these would really displease our Holy and Righteous King. Shall we always acknowledge to have ourselves solely belonging to our Perfect Lord and King-Christ Jesus.`
`I can never fathom in comprehension the glorious wonders of Heaven unless, perhaps if I were to experience it first-hand myself. How grateful would I be, to be granted as being a resident in that most Holy Realm with Jesus Christ. I am, alongside some others who are also ordained by God to be His servants, are awaiting for His return to this world at His second coming. At the same time, I do feel rather excited to most fortunately be His chosen child of being embraced by Jesus Christ and to be considered worthy enough to enter into His rest for all of eternity. The Lord truly loves His people who are called to do His Will in this world. He blesses them with an inner peaceful joy as they honour the God of the heavens and the unknown universe. Christians who are willing to love God will reap an eternal value of everlasting life in the afterlife that is to come upon them. Graduating to Heaven and forever be with Jesus Christ.`
`Truth is, if someone were to reject the Lord Jesus Christ for His gift of salvation that was offered unto them as He was scourged, had bled and was crucified on the cross for their trespasses. God will not let them into His Heaven because they have refused to receive and acknowledge His only begotten Son Whose job was to come into this fallen world to fulfil God's Will and rescue our souls by remitting our sins.
Please listen, someone can be the 'best' person in this world but just one wrong, one mistake, one sin will exclude them from entering Heaven in the afterlife. Because Heaven is known to be and is indeed Perfect but none and no one else that had ever existed and are still alive to-date was and is holistically perfect morally, except the Lord Jesus Who was God Himself incarnated to this world as the sinless and perfect person.
However, if they put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, God will forgive their sins on behalf of the basis that they have chosen to believe in His righteously Holy Son; Jesus of Nazareth. So, despite all of their imperfections and sins, the Blood of Jesus will have washed and cleansed them of their sins and trespasses of transgressions.
God will then let them into His Heaven because of their given choice of using their free will in choosing to regard Jesus Christ as their only hope of being redeemed. Be warned that faith without works is dead and works without faith is also dead, for a Christian must go forth and bear much fruits as the Holy Spirit empowers him or her to do the works of Christ in righteousness and of God's Good Will.
So, consecrate and sanctify ourselves spiritually, to serve and honour the Lord our God for as long as we are alive because every breath that we breathe is granted to us by God for us to have more time to finally place our faith firmly on His Son; Jesus Christ-Emmanuel. Every second that passes by, is a second closer to the day we die and leave this earthly world into eternity, choose wisely my dear friends...`
Please listen, someone can be the 'best' person in this world but just one wrong, one mistake, one sin will exclude them from entering Heaven in the afterlife. Because Heaven is known to be and is indeed Perfect but none and no one else that had ever existed and are still alive to-date was and is holistically perfect morally, except the Lord Jesus Who was God Himself incarnated to this world as the sinless and perfect person.
However, if they put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, God will forgive their sins on behalf of the basis that they have chosen to believe in His righteously Holy Son; Jesus of Nazareth. So, despite all of their imperfections and sins, the Blood of Jesus will have washed and cleansed them of their sins and trespasses of transgressions.
God will then let them into His Heaven because of their given choice of using their free will in choosing to regard Jesus Christ as their only hope of being redeemed. Be warned that faith without works is dead and works without faith is also dead, for a Christian must go forth and bear much fruits as the Holy Spirit empowers him or her to do the works of Christ in righteousness and of God's Good Will.
So, consecrate and sanctify ourselves spiritually, to serve and honour the Lord our God for as long as we are alive because every breath that we breathe is granted to us by God for us to have more time to finally place our faith firmly on His Son; Jesus Christ-Emmanuel. Every second that passes by, is a second closer to the day we die and leave this earthly world into eternity, choose wisely my dear friends...`
`Can't imagine what it would really be like, to receive my glorified soul, spirit and body. Forever being with the Lord Jesus Who gave His life in exchange for us to be redeemed with salvation and sanctification. May I truly be born again to see the Kingdom of God the Father and to be accompanied by Christ the Son of God forever. To dwell with my Saviour and all of His angelic servants would be incredibly wonderful as well as to enjoy an absolutely awestruck amazingly awesomeness of perfect splendours and in complete contentment for all of everlasting eternity, shall surely satisfy souls who will enter into the only Heaven of Holiness. May Jesus be merciful always, to forgive and pardon my sins and also the sins of His earthly children who desires to abide truthfully in Him.
May the Lord be my Righteousness always as I rely solely on Him. Thanks be to my Great God for His unending Love for me despite my fallen and sinful nature as I profess Jesus to be my Saviour, O God... Please help me with all things that I would come to need and shall I freely receive Your blessings, as I will then, one day depart this world and be accepted into Heaven, to finally be fully united in fellowship as Your beloved child for all eternity.
`Only Jesus satisfies our true needs of eventually entering into eternal bliss and comfort upon leaving this earth. For Christ Jesus so loves us sinners that He obediently suffered an immensely excruciating execution method of death. He really wants for us to adore and worship Him for He is all worthy as He had saved us from a place of utter destruction. As with hopes that we will all willingly acknowledge Jesus and His Sovereignty. Wholeheartedly with wholesome willingness at every given moment, worshipping Him; our Saviour-God in Glory!
Shall we be greatly encouraged by the Lord of Everlasting Life; Elohim, our God of the Heavens and the earth, beyond the wonders of every existing realms in the entire universe. Inexpressibly Holy is Christ Jesus, our Friend and Righteous King. His Holy Spirit brings forth comfort and rest for souls who truthfully belongs to our Almighty Father and Creator for every good works by His ways of Righteousness.
Angels of God are being sent to empower the people of God to perform works which pleases our All-Powerful King of Greatest Glory of Purest Perfections. Shall those who are called by God, fully entrusts the utmost magnificence of our mightily Blessed Jesus-Emmanuel God. Let us be welcomed into the presence of God, being in His Kingdom for the fullness of an unendingly eternity and may we receive then, the keys into life eternal for being found worthy to enjoy all of the Heavenly brilliances and feeling the eminence and resounding flow of peace and God the Father's Love. We will be forever grateful with thanksgiving for receiving upon the redemption for our souls that we are able to rejoice wholeheartedly as partakers of perfect gifts from God and eternal life in Heaven!`
He hath saved and sanctified mine soul to heartily serve Him in many ways which would bringeth forth glory unto mine Heavenly God of Justice and Love. Thou gift of eternal life O Lord Jesus Christ, hath Thy servant receiveth with thanksgiving for Thy righteousness maketh me holy and purifieth me with wholesome goodness. Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done! - Ebenzer Glendon
ReplyDeleteHis Grace is Never Ending but we are in a world and in time. Make good of HIS Grace to improve yourself and live.
ReplyDeleteGo and Live, a command to live a life He has given you.
Note: HE didn't manufacture a microchip. He created a human being.